Mechs are now (finally) vehicles, this means you can make them multicrew They can also grant select ability buttons based on occupant bitflags
Movement is handled through vehicle_move() which is called by relaymove Clicking is done by way of signals registering to the entering mob NOTE: MMIS are NOT mobs but instead contain a brain that is, so you need special checks AI also has special checks becaus it gets in and out of the mech differently Always call remove_occupant(mob) when leaving the mech so the mob is removed properly
For multi-crew, you need to set how the occupants receive ability bitflags corresponding to their status on the vehicle(i.e: driver, gunner etc) Abilities can then be set to only apply for certain bitflags and are assigned as such automatically
Clicks are wither translated into mech_melee_attack (see Or are used to call action() on equipped gear Cooldown for gear is on the mech because exploits Cooldown for melee is on mech_melee_attack also because exploits
Vars | |
accesses | A list of all granted accesses |
active_thrusters | /Action vars Ref to any active thrusters we might have |
allow_diagonal_movement | Whether this mech is allowed to move diagonally |
attack_verbs | Melee attack verb |
brute_attack_sound | Sounds for types of melee attack |
bumpsmash | Whether or not the mech destroys walls by running into it. |
cabin_air | Internal air mix datum |
cabin_sealed | ////////ATMOS Whether the cabin exchanges gases with the environment |
cabin_volume | Volume of the cabin |
can_use_overclock | Whether it is possible to toggle overclocking from the cabin |
capacitor | Keeps track of the mech's capacitor |
cell | Keeps track of the mech's cell |
chassis_camera | Camera installed into the mech |
completely_disabled | Just stop the mech from doing anything |
component_damage_threshold | damage threshold above which we take component damage |
defense_mode | Bool for energy shield on/off |
destroy_wall_sound | Sound on wall destroying |
destruction_sleep_duration | Time you get slept for if you get forcible ejected by the mech exploding |
dna_lock | Stores the DNA enzymes of a carbon so tht only they can access the mech |
equip_by_category | assoc list: key-typepathlist before init, key-equipmentlist after |
equipment_disabled | if we cant use our equipment(such as due to EMP) |
exit_delay | TIme taken to leave the mech |
facing_modifiers | Modifiers for directional damage reduction |
flat_equipment | flat equipment for iteration |
internal_damage | Bitflags for internal damage |
internal_damage_probability | % chance for internal damage to occur |
internal_damage_threshold | damage amount above which we can take internal damages |
is_currently_ejecting | Currently ejecting, and unable to do things |
lavaland_only | Bool for whether this mech can only be used on lavaland |
light_power_drain | Power we use to have the lights on |
lights_power | How powerful our lights are |
max_equip_by_category | assoc list: max equips for modules key-count |
mech_type | single flag for the type of this mech, determines what kind of equipment can be attached to it |
mecha_flags | Contains flags for the mecha |
melee_cooldown | Cooldown duration between melee punches |
melee_energy_drain | How much energy we drain each time we mechpunch someone |
one_access | If the mech should require ALL or only ONE of the listed accesses |
ore_box | Handles an internal ore box for mining mechs |
overclock_coeff | Speed and energy usage modifier for leg overload |
overclock_mode | Bool for leg overload on/off |
overclock_safety | Whether the overclocking turns off automatically when overheated |
overclock_safety_available | Whether the mech has an option to enable safe overclocking |
overclock_temp | Current leg actuator temperature. Increases when overloaded, decreases when not. |
overclock_temp_danger | Temperature threshold at which actuators may start causing internal damage |
phase_state | icon_state for flick() when phazing |
phasing | check for phasing, if it is set to text (to describe how it is phasing: "flying", "phasing") it will let the mech walk through walls. |
phasing_energy_drain | Power we use every time we phaze through something |
pivot_step | Whether this mech moves into a direct as soon as it goes to move. Basically, turn and step in the same key press. |
possible_int_damage | list of possibly dealt internal damage for this mech type |
safety_sound_custom | Don't play standard sound when set safety if TRUE. |
scanmod | Keeps track of the mech's scanning module |
servo | Keeps track of the mech's servo motor |
silicon_icon_state | In case theres a different iconstate for AI/MMI pilot(currently only used for ripley) |
smoke_charges | Remaining smoke charges |
smoke_cooldown | Cooldown between using smoke |
spark_system | Spark effects are handled by this datum |
step_energy_drain | How much energy the mech will consume each time it moves. this is the current active energy consumed |
step_silent | Whether our steps are silent due to no gravity |
stepsound | Sound played when the mech moves |
strafe | Wether we are strafing |
trackers | List of installed remote tracking beacons, including AI control beacons |
turnsound | Sound played when the mech walks |
ui_selected_module_index | Module selected by default when mech UI is opened |
ui_theme | Theme of the mech TGUI |
ui_view | ref to screen object that displays in the middle of the UI |
updating | Portable camera camerachunk update |
weapons_safety | Safety for weapons. Won't fire if enabled, and toggled by middle click. |
wreckage | Typepath for the wreckage it spawns when destroyed |
Procs | |
ai_enter_mech | Hack and From Card interactions share some code, so leave that here for both to use. |
collect_ore | Collects ore when we move, if there is an orebox and it is functional |
diag_hud_set_camera | Shows inbuilt camera on the mech; if the camera's view range was affected by an EMP, shows a red blip while it's affected |
diag_hud_set_mechtracking | Shows tracking beacons on the mech |
display_speech_bubble | Displays a special speech bubble when someone inside the mecha speaks |
do_camera_update | The actual update - also passes our unique update buffer. This makes our static update faster than stationary cameras, helping us to avoid running out of the camera's FoV. An EMPd mecha with a lowered view_range on its camera can still sometimes run out into static before updating, however. |
generate_action_type | MECHA ACTIONS |
get_armour_facing | returns a number for the damage multiplier for this relative angle/dir |
get_int_repair_fluff_end | gets the successful finish balloon alert flufftext |
get_int_repair_fluff_fail | gets the on-fail balloon alert flufftext |
get_int_repair_fluff_start | gets the starting balloon alert flufftext |
get_internal_tank | Locate an internal tack in the utility modules |
has_charge | Power stuff |
max_ammo | // Ammo stuff ///// |
mmi_move_inside | proc called when a new mmi mob tries to enter this mech |
mmi_moved_inside | proc called when a new mmi mob enters this mech |
moved_inside | proc called when a new non-mmi mob enters this mech |
on_click_alt | Driver alt clicks anything while in mech |
on_light_eater | Special light eater handling |
on_middlemouseclick | middle mouse click signal wrapper for AI users |
on_mouseclick | Called when a driver clicks somewhere. Handles everything like equipment, punches, etc. |
on_move | Called when the mech moves |
on_turn | Called when the driver turns with the movement lock key |
play_stepsound | Plays the mech step sound effect. Split from movement procs so that other mechs (HONK) can override this one specific part. |
populate_parts | Add parts on mech spawning. Skipped in manual construction. |
remove_air | Atmospheric stuff |
return_pressure | fetches pressure of the gas mixture we are using |
return_temperature | fetches temp of the gas mixture we are using |
setDir | Sets the direction of the mecha and all of its occcupents, required for FOV. Alternatively one could make a recursive contents registration and register topmost direction changes in the fov component |
set_cabin_seal | makes cabin unsealed, dumping cabin air outside or airtight filling the cabin with external air mix |
set_mouse_pointer | Updates the pilot's mouse cursor override. |
set_safety | Toggles Weapons Safety |
shock | Electrocute user from power celll |
toggle_lights | Toggle lights on/off |
toggle_overclock | Toggle mech overclock with a button or by hacking |
try_damage_component | tries to damage mech equipment depending on damage and where is being targeted |
try_deal_internal_damage | tries to deal internal damaget depending on the damage amount |
try_insert_part | Try to insert a stock part into the mech |
try_repair_int_damage | tries to repair any internal damage and plays fluff for it |
update_access | Apply corresponding accesses |
update_energy_drain | Update the energy drain according to parts and status |
upgrade_rcd | Upgrades any attached RCD equipment. |
Var Details
A list of all granted accesses
/Action vars Ref to any active thrusters we might have
Whether this mech is allowed to move diagonally
Melee attack verb
Sounds for types of melee attack
Whether or not the mech destroys walls by running into it.
Internal air mix datum
////////ATMOS Whether the cabin exchanges gases with the environment
Volume of the cabin
Whether it is possible to toggle overclocking from the cabin
Keeps track of the mech's capacitor
Keeps track of the mech's cell
Camera installed into the mech
Just stop the mech from doing anything
damage threshold above which we take component damage
Bool for energy shield on/off
Sound on wall destroying
Time you get slept for if you get forcible ejected by the mech exploding
Stores the DNA enzymes of a carbon so tht only they can access the mech
assoc list: key-typepathlist before init, key-equipmentlist after
if we cant use our equipment(such as due to EMP)
TIme taken to leave the mech
Modifiers for directional damage reduction
flat equipment for iteration
Bitflags for internal damage
% chance for internal damage to occur
damage amount above which we can take internal damages
Currently ejecting, and unable to do things
Bool for whether this mech can only be used on lavaland
Power we use to have the lights on
How powerful our lights are
assoc list: max equips for modules key-count
single flag for the type of this mech, determines what kind of equipment can be attached to it
Contains flags for the mecha
Cooldown duration between melee punches
How much energy we drain each time we mechpunch someone
If the mech should require ALL or only ONE of the listed accesses
Handles an internal ore box for mining mechs
Speed and energy usage modifier for leg overload
Bool for leg overload on/off
Whether the overclocking turns off automatically when overheated
Whether the mech has an option to enable safe overclocking
Current leg actuator temperature. Increases when overloaded, decreases when not.
Temperature threshold at which actuators may start causing internal damage
icon_state for flick() when phazing
check for phasing, if it is set to text (to describe how it is phasing: "flying", "phasing") it will let the mech walk through walls.
Power we use every time we phaze through something
Whether this mech moves into a direct as soon as it goes to move. Basically, turn and step in the same key press.
list of possibly dealt internal damage for this mech type
Don't play standard sound when set safety if TRUE.
Keeps track of the mech's scanning module
Keeps track of the mech's servo motor
In case theres a different iconstate for AI/MMI pilot(currently only used for ripley)
Remaining smoke charges
Cooldown between using smoke
Spark effects are handled by this datum
How much energy the mech will consume each time it moves. this is the current active energy consumed
Whether our steps are silent due to no gravity
Sound played when the mech moves
Wether we are strafing
List of installed remote tracking beacons, including AI control beacons
Sound played when the mech walks
Module selected by default when mech UI is opened
Theme of the mech TGUI
ref to screen object that displays in the middle of the UI
Portable camera camerachunk update
Safety for weapons. Won't fire if enabled, and toggled by middle click.
Typepath for the wreckage it spawns when destroyed
Proc Details
Hack and From Card interactions share some code, so leave that here for both to use.
Collects ore when we move, if there is an orebox and it is functional
Shows inbuilt camera on the mech; if the camera's view range was affected by an EMP, shows a red blip while it's affected
Shows tracking beacons on the mech
Displays a special speech bubble when someone inside the mecha speaks
The actual update - also passes our unique update buffer. This makes our static update faster than stationary cameras, helping us to avoid running out of the camera's FoV. An EMPd mecha with a lowered view_range on its camera can still sometimes run out into static before updating, however.
returns a number for the damage multiplier for this relative angle/dir
gets the successful finish balloon alert flufftext
gets the on-fail balloon alert flufftext
gets the starting balloon alert flufftext
Locate an internal tack in the utility modules
Power stuff
// Ammo stuff /////
Max the ammo stored in all ballistic weapons for this mech
proc called when a new mmi mob tries to enter this mech
proc called when a new mmi mob enters this mech
proc called when a new non-mmi mob enters this mech
Driver alt clicks anything while in mech
Special light eater handling
middle mouse click signal wrapper for AI users
Called when a driver clicks somewhere. Handles everything like equipment, punches, etc.
Called when the mech moves
Called when the driver turns with the movement lock key
Plays the mech step sound effect. Split from movement procs so that other mechs (HONK) can override this one specific part.
Add parts on mech spawning. Skipped in manual construction.
Atmospheric stuff
fetches pressure of the gas mixture we are using
fetches temp of the gas mixture we are using
Sets the direction of the mecha and all of its occcupents, required for FOV. Alternatively one could make a recursive contents registration and register topmost direction changes in the fov component
makes cabin unsealed, dumping cabin air outside or airtight filling the cabin with external air mix
Updates the pilot's mouse cursor override.
If the mech's weapons safety is enabled, there should be no override, and the user gets their regular mouse cursor. If safety is off but the mech's equipment is disabled (such as by EMP), the cursor should be the red disabled version. Otherwise, if safety is off and the equipment is functional, the cursor should be the regular green cursor. This proc sets the cursor. correct and then updates it for each mob in the occupants list.
Toggles Weapons Safety
Handles enabling or disabling the safety function.
Electrocute user from power celll
Toggle lights on/off
Toggle mech overclock with a button or by hacking
tries to damage mech equipment depending on damage and where is being targeted
tries to deal internal damaget depending on the damage amount
Try to insert a stock part into the mech
tries to repair any internal damage and plays fluff for it
Apply corresponding accesses
Update the energy drain according to parts and status
Upgrades any attached RCD equipment.