Vars | |
allowed_choices | What recipes are we allowed to choose from? |
current_hits_to_completion | How many successful hits towards completion of the item have we done |
finishes_forging_weapons | Is this bench able to complete forging items? Exists to allow non-forging workbenches to exist |
hit_cooldown | The cooldown from the last hit before we allow another 'good hit' to happen |
radial_choice_list | Radial options for recipes in the allowed_choices list, populated by populate_radial_choice_list |
recipe_names_to_path | An associative list of names --> recipe path that the radial recipe picker will choose from later |
selected_recipe | What the currently picked recipe is |
Procs | |
can_we_craft_this | Takes the given list of item requirements and checks the surroundings for them, returns TRUE unless return_ingredients_list is set, in which case a list of all the items to use is returned |
clear_recipe | Clears the current recipe and sets hits to completion to zero |
create_thing_from_requirements | Passes the list of found ingredients + the recipe to use_or_delete_recipe_requirements, then spawns the given recipe's result |
get_environment | Gets movable atoms within one tile of range of the crafting bench |
use_or_delete_recipe_requirements | Takes the given list, things_to_use, compares it to recipe_to_follow's requirements, then either uses items from a stack, or deletes them otherwise. Returns custom material of forge items in the end. |
Var Details
What recipes are we allowed to choose from?
How many successful hits towards completion of the item have we done
Is this bench able to complete forging items? Exists to allow non-forging workbenches to exist
The cooldown from the last hit before we allow another 'good hit' to happen
Radial options for recipes in the allowed_choices list, populated by populate_radial_choice_list
An associative list of names --> recipe path that the radial recipe picker will choose from later
What the currently picked recipe is
Proc Details
Takes the given list of item requirements and checks the surroundings for them, returns TRUE unless return_ingredients_list is set, in which case a list of all the items to use is returned
Clears the current recipe and sets hits to completion to zero
Passes the list of found ingredients + the recipe to use_or_delete_recipe_requirements, then spawns the given recipe's result
Gets movable atoms within one tile of range of the crafting bench
Takes the given list, things_to_use, compares it to recipe_to_follow's requirements, then either uses items from a stack, or deletes them otherwise. Returns custom material of forge items in the end.