Vars | |
allow_breeding | Can fish reproduce in this quarium. |
current_beauty | Var used to keep track of the current beauty of the aquarium, which can be throughfully changed by aquarium content. |
feeding_interval | While the feed storage is not empty, this is the interval which the fish are fed. |
icon_prefix | The icon state is used for mapping so mappers know what they're placing. This prefixes the real icon used in game. For an example, "aquarium" gives the base sprite of "aquarium_base", the glass is "aquarium_glass_water", and so on. |
last_feeding | The last time fishes were fed by the acquarium itsef. |
tracked_fish_by_type | obj/item/fish in the aquarium, sorted by type - does not include things with aquarium visuals that are not fish |
used_layers | Current layers in use by aquarium contents |
Procs | |
admire | Apply mood bonus depending on aquarium status |
get_fishes | Returns tracked_fish_by_type but flattened and without the items in the blacklist, also shuffled if shuffle is TRUE. |
try_to_put_mob_in | Tries to put mob pulled by the user in the aquarium after a delay |
Var Details
Can fish reproduce in this quarium.
Var used to keep track of the current beauty of the aquarium, which can be throughfully changed by aquarium content.
While the feed storage is not empty, this is the interval which the fish are fed.
The icon state is used for mapping so mappers know what they're placing. This prefixes the real icon used in game. For an example, "aquarium" gives the base sprite of "aquarium_base", the glass is "aquarium_glass_water", and so on.
The last time fishes were fed by the acquarium itsef.
obj/item/fish in the aquarium, sorted by type - does not include things with aquarium visuals that are not fish
Current layers in use by aquarium contents
Proc Details
Apply mood bonus depending on aquarium status
Returns tracked_fish_by_type but flattened and without the items in the blacklist, also shuffled if shuffle is TRUE.
Tries to put mob pulled by the user in the aquarium after a delay