The base object for the quantum server
Vars | |
avatar_connection_refs | Current plugged in users |
broadcast_toggle_cd | Cooldown between being able to toggle broadcasting |
broadcasting | Determines if we broadcast to entertainment monitors or not |
capacitor_coefficient | Affects server cooldown efficiency |
domain_randomized | If the current domain was a random selection |
exit_turfs | The turfs we can place a hololadder on. |
generated_domain | The loaded map template, map_template/virtual_domain |
glitch_chance | Chance multipled by threat to spawn a glitch |
is_ready | Prevents multiple user actions. Handled by loading domains and cooldowns |
multiplayer_bonus | Scales loot with extra players |
mutation_candidate_refs | Cached list of mutable mobs in zone for cybercops |
points | The amount of points in the system, used to purchase maps |
radio | The radio the console can speak into |
retries_spent | Keeps track of the number of times someone has built a hololadder |
scanner_tier | Changes how much info is available on the domain |
server_cooldown_time | Length of time it takes for the server to cool down after resetting. Here to give runners downtime so their faces don't get stuck like that |
servo_bonus | Applies bonuses to rewards etc |
spawned_threat_refs | Any ghosts that have spawned in |
threat | Determines the glitches available to spawn, builds with completion |
threat_prob_max | Maximum rate at which a glitch can spawn |
Procs | |
add_threats | Adds threats to the list and notifies players |
attempt_spawn_cache | Attempts to spawn a crate twice based on the list of available locations |
attempt_spawn_curiosity | Attempts to spawn a lootbox |
begin_shutdown | Gives all current occupants a notification that the server is going down |
calculate_rewards | Handles calculating rewards based on number of players, parts, threats, etc |
can_generate_tech_disk | Checks if the players should get a bepis reward |
cold_boot_map | Links all the loading processes together - does validation for booting a map |
cool_off | Resets the cooldown state and updates icons |
generate_avatar | Generates a new avatar for the bitrunner. |
generate_loot | Handles spawning the (new) crate and deleting the former |
generate_secondary_loot | Builds secondary loot if the achievements were met |
get_antagonist_role | Choses which antagonist role is spawned based on threat |
get_avatar_data | If there are hosted minds, attempts to get a list of their current virtual bodies w/ vitals |
get_avatar_destination | I grab the atom here so I can signal it / manipulate spawners etc |
get_completion_certificate | Returns the markdown text containing domain completion information |
get_mutation_target | Selects a target to mutate. Gives two attempts, then crashes if it fails. |
get_random_domain_id | Gets a random available domain given the current points. |
get_random_nearby_forge | Locates any turfs with forges on them, returns a random one |
grade_completion | Grades the player's run based on several factors |
load_domain | Initializes a new domain if the given key is valid and the user has enough points |
load_map_items | Loads in necessary map items like hololadder spawns, caches, etc |
load_mob_segments | Loads in any mob segments of the map |
notify_spawned_threats | Finds any mobs with minds in the zones and gives them the bad news |
on_broken | If broken via signal, disconnects all users |
on_corpse_spawned | Whenever a corpse spawner makes a new corpse, add it to the list of potential mutations |
on_delete | Being qdeleted - make sure the circuit and connected mobs go with it |
on_goal_turf_entered | Whenever something enters the send tiles, check if it's a loot crate. If so, alert players. |
on_goal_turf_examined | Handles examining the server. Shows cooldown time and efficiency. |
on_template_loaded | Scans over the inbound created_atoms from lazy templates |
on_threat_created | Handles when cybercops are summoned into the area or ghosts click a ghost role spawner |
remove_threat | Removes a specific threat - used when station spawning |
reset | Stops the current virtual domain and disconnects all users |
reset_equipment | Removes all blacklisted items from a mob and returns them to base state |
scrub_vdom | Tries to clean up everything in the domain |
setup_glitch | Selects the role and waits for a ghost orbiter |
sever_connections | Severs any connected users |
spark_at_location | Do some magic teleport sparks |
spawn_glitch | Orbit poll has concluded - spawn the antag |
start_new_connection | Starts building a new avatar for the player. Called by netpods when they don't have a current avatar. This is a procedural proc which links several others together. |
station_spawn | Oh boy - transports the antag station side |
stock_gear | Scans over neo's contents for bitrunning tech disks. Loads the items or abilities onto the avatar. |
toggle_broadcast | Toggles broadcast on and off |
validate_mutation_candidates | Removes any invalid candidates from the list |
validate_turf | Returns a turf if it's not dense, else will find a neighbor. |
Var Details
Current plugged in users
Cooldown between being able to toggle broadcasting
Determines if we broadcast to entertainment monitors or not
Affects server cooldown efficiency
If the current domain was a random selection
The turfs we can place a hololadder on.
The loaded map template, map_template/virtual_domain
Chance multipled by threat to spawn a glitch
Prevents multiple user actions. Handled by loading domains and cooldowns
Scales loot with extra players
Cached list of mutable mobs in zone for cybercops
The amount of points in the system, used to purchase maps
The radio the console can speak into
Keeps track of the number of times someone has built a hololadder
Changes how much info is available on the domain
Length of time it takes for the server to cool down after resetting. Here to give runners downtime so their faces don't get stuck like that
Applies bonuses to rewards etc
Any ghosts that have spawned in
Determines the glitches available to spawn, builds with completion
Maximum rate at which a glitch can spawn
Proc Details
Adds threats to the list and notifies players
Attempts to spawn a crate twice based on the list of available locations
Attempts to spawn a lootbox
Gives all current occupants a notification that the server is going down
Handles calculating rewards based on number of players, parts, threats, etc
Checks if the players should get a bepis reward
Links all the loading processes together - does validation for booting a map
Resets the cooldown state and updates icons
Generates a new avatar for the bitrunner.
Handles spawning the (new) crate and deleting the former
Builds secondary loot if the achievements were met
Choses which antagonist role is spawned based on threat
If there are hosted minds, attempts to get a list of their current virtual bodies w/ vitals
I grab the atom here so I can signal it / manipulate spawners etc
Returns the markdown text containing domain completion information
Selects a target to mutate. Gives two attempts, then crashes if it fails.
Gets a random available domain given the current points.
Locates any turfs with forges on them, returns a random one
Grades the player's run based on several factors
Initializes a new domain if the given key is valid and the user has enough points
Loads in necessary map items like hololadder spawns, caches, etc
Loads in any mob segments of the map
Finds any mobs with minds in the zones and gives them the bad news
If broken via signal, disconnects all users
Whenever a corpse spawner makes a new corpse, add it to the list of potential mutations
Being qdeleted - make sure the circuit and connected mobs go with it
Whenever something enters the send tiles, check if it's a loot crate. If so, alert players.
Handles examining the server. Shows cooldown time and efficiency.
Scans over the inbound created_atoms from lazy templates
Handles when cybercops are summoned into the area or ghosts click a ghost role spawner
Removes a specific threat - used when station spawning
Stops the current virtual domain and disconnects all users
Removes all blacklisted items from a mob and returns them to base state
Tries to clean up everything in the domain
Selects the role and waits for a ghost orbiter
Severs any connected users
Do some magic teleport sparks
Orbit poll has concluded - spawn the antag
Starts building a new avatar for the player. Called by netpods when they don't have a current avatar. This is a procedural proc which links several others together.
Oh boy - transports the antag station side
Scans over neo's contents for bitrunning tech disks. Loads the items or abilities onto the avatar.
Toggles broadcast on and off
Removes any invalid candidates from the list
Returns a turf if it's not dense, else will find a neighbor.