Vars | |
auth | The nuke disk currently inserted into the nuke |
core | The nuke core within the nuke, created in initialize |
countdown | A reference to the countdown that goes up over the nuke |
deconstruction_state | The current state of deconstructing / opening up the nuke to access the core |
detonation_timer | world time tracker for when we're going to explode |
exploded | Whether we've actually fully exploded |
exploding | Whether the timer has elapsed and we're currently exploding |
interior | Overlay - shows the interior of the nuke |
lights | Overlay - flashing lights over the nuke |
maximum_timer_set | What the max value the timer can be, in seconds |
minimum_timer_set | What the min value the timer can be, in seconds |
numeric_input | The current input of the numpad on the bomb |
previous_level | The alert level that was set before the nuke started, so we can revert to the correct level after |
proper_bomb | if TRUE, this nuke is actually a real nuke, and not a prank or toy |
r_code | The code we need to detonate this nuke. Starts as "admin", purposefully un-enterable |
safety | Whether the nuke safety is on, can't explode if it is |
timer_set | What the timer is set to, in seconds |
timing | Whether we're currently timing an explosive and counting down |
ui_mode | What mode the UI currently is in |
yes_code | If TRUE, the correct code has been entered and we can start the nuke |
Procs | |
arm_nuke | Arms the nuke, making it active and triggering all pinpointers to start counting down (+delta alert) |
disarm_nuke | Disarms the nuke, reverting all pinpointers and the security level |
disk_check | Checks if the disk inserted is a real nuke disk or not. |
explode | Begins the process of exploding the nuke. [proc/explode] -> [proc/actually_explode] -> [proc/really_actually_explode]) |
get_cinematic_type | Gets what type of cinematic this nuke showcases depending on where we detonated. |
get_nuke_state | Gets the current state of the nuke. |
get_time_left | If the nuke is active, gets how much time is left until it detonates, in seconds. If the nuke is not active, gets how much time the nuke is set for, in seconds. |
nuke_effects | Cause nuke effects to the passed z-levels. |
set_anchor | Anchors the nuke, duh. Can only be done if the disk is inside. |
toggle_nuke_armed | Arms the nuke, or disarms it if it's already active. |
toggle_nuke_safety | Toggles the safety of the nuke. |
update_ui_mode | Changes what mode the UI is depending on the state of the nuke. |
Var Details
The nuke disk currently inserted into the nuke
The nuke core within the nuke, created in initialize
A reference to the countdown that goes up over the nuke
The current state of deconstructing / opening up the nuke to access the core
world time tracker for when we're going to explode
Whether we've actually fully exploded
Whether the timer has elapsed and we're currently exploding
Overlay - shows the interior of the nuke
Overlay - flashing lights over the nuke
What the max value the timer can be, in seconds
What the min value the timer can be, in seconds
The current input of the numpad on the bomb
The alert level that was set before the nuke started, so we can revert to the correct level after
if TRUE, this nuke is actually a real nuke, and not a prank or toy
The code we need to detonate this nuke. Starts as "admin", purposefully un-enterable
Whether the nuke safety is on, can't explode if it is
What the timer is set to, in seconds
Whether we're currently timing an explosive and counting down
What mode the UI currently is in
If TRUE, the correct code has been entered and we can start the nuke
Proc Details
Arms the nuke, making it active and triggering all pinpointers to start counting down (+delta alert)
Disarms the nuke, reverting all pinpointers and the security level
Checks if the disk inserted is a real nuke disk or not.
Begins the process of exploding the nuke. [proc/explode] -> [proc/actually_explode] -> [proc/really_actually_explode])
Goes through a few timers and plays a cinematic.
Gets what type of cinematic this nuke showcases depending on where we detonated.
Gets the current state of the nuke.
If the nuke is active, gets how much time is left until it detonates, in seconds. If the nuke is not active, gets how much time the nuke is set for, in seconds.
Cause nuke effects to the passed z-levels.
Anchors the nuke, duh. Can only be done if the disk is inside.
Arms the nuke, or disarms it if it's already active.
Toggles the safety of the nuke.
Changes what mode the UI is depending on the state of the nuke.