Vars | |
active_request | The station request datum being affected by UI actions. |
admin_access | The access required to access D-notices. |
alert | Is there currently an alert on this newscaster that hasn't been seen yet? |
bounty_text | Text of the currently written bounty |
bounty_value | Value of the currently bounty input |
channel_desc | What is the current, in-creation channel's description going to be? |
channel_name | What is the current, in-creation channel's name going to be? |
comment_text | What is the current, in-creation comment's body going to be? |
creating_channel | Is the current user creating a new channel at the moment? |
creating_comment | Is the current user creating a new comment at the moment? |
crime_description | What is the user submitted, crime description for the new wanted issue? |
criminal_name | What is the user submitted, criminal name for the new wanted issue? |
current_channel | What newscaster channel is currently being viewed by the player? |
current_image | The current image that will be submitted with the newscaster story. |
current_message | What newscaster feed_message is currently having a comment written for it? |
current_user | Reference to the currently logged in user. |
feed_channel_message | The message that's currently being written for a feed story. |
newscaster_username | Name of the logged in user. |
paper_remaining | How much paper is contained within the newscaster? |
security_access | The access required to submit & remove wanted issues. |
viewing_wanted | Is the current user editing or viewing a new wanted issue at the moment? |
Procs | |
apply_to_bounty | This sorts through the current list of bounties, and confirms that the intended request found is correct. Then, adds the current user to the list of applicants to that bounty. |
attach_photo | This takes a held photograph, and updates the current_image variable with that of the held photograph's image. *user: The mob who is being checked for a held photo object. |
create_bounty | This creates a new bounty to the global list of bounty requests, alongisde the provided value of the request, and the owner of the request. For more info, see datum/station_request. |
create_channel | Performs a series of sanity checks before giving the user confirmation to create a new feed_channel using channel_name, and channel_desc. *channel_locked: This variable determines if other users than the author can make comments and new feed_stories on this channel. |
create_comment | Constructs a comment to attach to the currently selected feed_message of choice, assuming that a user can be found and that a message body has been written. |
create_story | Creates a new feed story to the global newscaster network. Verifies that the message is being written to a real feed_channel, then provides a text input for the feed story to be written into. Finally, it submits the message to the network, is logged globally, and clears all message-specific variables from the machine. |
delete_bounty_request | This proc removes a station_request from the global list of requests, after checking that the owner of that request is the one who is trying to remove it. |
needs_repair | returns (machine_stat & broken) |
news_alert | When a new feed message is made that will alert all newscasters, this causes the newscasters to sent out a spoken message as well as create a sound. |
pay_applicant | This pays out the current request_target the amount held by the active request's assigned value, and then clears the active request from the global list. |
print_paper | This takes all current feed stories and messages, and prints them onto a newspaper, after checking that the newscaster has been loaded with paper. The newscaster then prints the paper to the floor. |
remove_alert | This clears alerts on the newscaster from a new message being published and updates the newscaster's appearance. |
send_photo_data | Sends photo data to build the newscaster article. |
start_create_channel | This proc performs checks before enabling the creating_channel var on the newscaster, such as preventing a user from having multiple channels, preventing an un-ID'd user from making a channel, and preventing censored authors from making a channel. Otherwise, sets creating_channel to TRUE. |
toggle_photo | Selects a currently held photo from the user's hand and makes it the current_image held by the newscaster. If a photo is still held in the newscaster, it will otherwise clear it from the machine. |
Var Details
The station request datum being affected by UI actions.
The access required to access D-notices.
Is there currently an alert on this newscaster that hasn't been seen yet?
Text of the currently written bounty
Value of the currently bounty input
What is the current, in-creation channel's description going to be?
What is the current, in-creation channel's name going to be?
What is the current, in-creation comment's body going to be?
Is the current user creating a new channel at the moment?
Is the current user creating a new comment at the moment?
What is the user submitted, crime description for the new wanted issue?
What is the user submitted, criminal name for the new wanted issue?
What newscaster channel is currently being viewed by the player?
The current image that will be submitted with the newscaster story.
What newscaster feed_message is currently having a comment written for it?
Reference to the currently logged in user.
The message that's currently being written for a feed story.
Name of the logged in user.
How much paper is contained within the newscaster?
The access required to submit & remove wanted issues.
Is the current user editing or viewing a new wanted issue at the moment?
Proc Details
This sorts through the current list of bounties, and confirms that the intended request found is correct. Then, adds the current user to the list of applicants to that bounty.
This takes a held photograph, and updates the current_image variable with that of the held photograph's image. *user: The mob who is being checked for a held photo object.
This creates a new bounty to the global list of bounty requests, alongisde the provided value of the request, and the owner of the request. For more info, see datum/station_request.
Performs a series of sanity checks before giving the user confirmation to create a new feed_channel using channel_name, and channel_desc. *channel_locked: This variable determines if other users than the author can make comments and new feed_stories on this channel.
Constructs a comment to attach to the currently selected feed_message of choice, assuming that a user can be found and that a message body has been written.
Creates a new feed story to the global newscaster network. Verifies that the message is being written to a real feed_channel, then provides a text input for the feed story to be written into. Finally, it submits the message to the network, is logged globally, and clears all message-specific variables from the machine.
This proc removes a station_request from the global list of requests, after checking that the owner of that request is the one who is trying to remove it.
returns (machine_stat & broken)
When a new feed message is made that will alert all newscasters, this causes the newscasters to sent out a spoken message as well as create a sound.
This pays out the current request_target the amount held by the active request's assigned value, and then clears the active request from the global list.
This takes all current feed stories and messages, and prints them onto a newspaper, after checking that the newscaster has been loaded with paper. The newscaster then prints the paper to the floor.
This clears alerts on the newscaster from a new message being published and updates the newscaster's appearance.
Sends photo data to build the newscaster article.
This proc performs checks before enabling the creating_channel var on the newscaster, such as preventing a user from having multiple channels, preventing an un-ID'd user from making a channel, and preventing censored authors from making a channel. Otherwise, sets creating_channel to TRUE.
Selects a currently held photo from the user's hand and makes it the current_image held by the newscaster. If a photo is still held in the newscaster, it will otherwise clear it from the machine.