Vars | |
aiControlDisabled | If 1, AI control is disabled until the AI hacks back in and disables the lock. If 2, the AI has bypassed the lock. If -1, the control is enabled but the AI had bypassed it earlier, so if it is disabled again the AI would have no trouble getting back in. |
air_tight | TRUE means density will be set as soon as the door begins to close |
airlock_material | Material of inner filling; if its an airlock with glass, this should be set to "glass" |
airlock_state | The current state of the airlock, used to construct the airlock overlays |
assemblytype | The type of door frame to drop during deconstruction |
backup_power_time | Paired with backup_power_timer. Records its remaining time when something happens to interrupt power regen |
backup_power_timer | Timer id, active when we are actively waiting for the backup power to be restored |
closeOtherId | Cyclelinking for airlocks that aren't on the same x or y coord as the target. |
cycle_pump | Airlock pump that overrides airlock controlls when set up for cycling |
delayed_close_requested | TRUE means the door will automatically close the next time it's opened. |
door_area | Area the door is located in |
engineering_override | Determines if engineers get access to this door on orange alert |
external | Is this door external? E.g. does it lead to space? Shuttle docking systems bolt doors with this flag. |
fill_state_suffix | For those airlocks you might want to have varying "fillings" for, without having to have an icon file per door with a different filling. |
fire_active | If there is an active fire alarm in the door's area |
greyscale_accent_color | For the airlocks that use a greyscale accent door color, set this color to the accent color you want it to be. |
hackProof | If true, this door can't be hacked by the AI |
has_environment_lights | Does this airlock emit a light? |
lights | Bolt lights show by default |
main_power_time | Paired with main_power_timer. Records its remaining time when something happens to interrupt power regen |
main_power_timer | Timer id, active when we are actively waiting for the main power to be restored |
normalspeed | Controls if the door closes quickly or not. FALSE = the door autocloses in 1.5 seconds, TRUE = 8 seconds - see autoclose_in() |
note | Any papers pinned to the airlock |
note_overlay_file | Used for papers and photos pinned to the airlock |
previous_airlock | What airlock assembly mineral plating was applied to |
seal | The seal on the airlock |
secondsElectrified | How many seconds remain until the door is no longer electrified. -1/MACHINE_ELECTRIFIED_PERMANENT = permanently electrified until someone fixes it. |
security_level | How much are wires secured |
shockedby | Logging for door electrification. |
Procs | |
allowed | Check for the three states of open access. Emergency, Unrestricted, and Engineering Override |
beforeShuttleMove | Turf move procs |
check_hacking | Performs basic checks to make sure we are still able to hack an airlock. If control is restored early through outside means, opens the airlock's control interface. |
check_security_level | When the signal is received of a changed security level, check if it's orange. |
finish_emag_act | Timer proc, called ~0.6 seconds after [emag_act]. Finishes the emag sequence by breaking the airlock, permanently locking it, and disabling power. |
get_note_state | Returns a string representing the type of note pinned to this airlock Arguments: |
get_wires | Generates the airlock's wire layout based on the current area the airlock resides in. |
hack | Attemps to override airlocks that have the AI control wire disabled. |
handle_backup_power | Call to update our backup power outage timer Will trigger a proper timer if we're actively restoring power, if not we'll dump the remaining time in a var on the airlock |
handle_main_power | Call to update our main power outage timer Will trigger a proper timer if we're actively restoring power, if not we'll dump the remaining time in a var on the airlock |
power_wires_changed | If our power wires have changed, then our backup/main power regen may have failed, so let's just check in yeah? |
remaining_backup_outage | Returns the amount of time we have to wait before backup power comes back Assuming it was actively regenerating Returns 0 if it is active |
remaining_main_outage | Returns the amount of time we have to wait before main power comes back Assuming it was actively regenerating Returns 0 if it is active |
secure_close | Forces the airlock to close and bolt |
secure_open | Forces the airlock to unbolt and open |
set_emergency_exit | Set the airlock's emergency exit status arg: active TRUE/FALSE |
should_try_removing_electronics | Returns if a crowbar would remove the airlock electronics |
temp_emergency_exit | Make the airlock unrestricted as a temporary emergency exit. |
try_remove_seal | Used when attempting to remove a seal from an airlock |
try_to_force_door_open | Additional checks depending on what we want to happen to door (should we try and open it normally, or do we want this open at all costs?) |
update_fire_status | Change the airlock's fire_active status, triggered by COMSIG_AREA_FIRE_CHANGED Activates fire status overlay and increases door speed. |
Var Details
If 1, AI control is disabled until the AI hacks back in and disables the lock. If 2, the AI has bypassed the lock. If -1, the control is enabled but the AI had bypassed it earlier, so if it is disabled again the AI would have no trouble getting back in.
TRUE means density will be set as soon as the door begins to close
Material of inner filling; if its an airlock with glass, this should be set to "glass"
The current state of the airlock, used to construct the airlock overlays
The type of door frame to drop during deconstruction
Paired with backup_power_timer. Records its remaining time when something happens to interrupt power regen
Timer id, active when we are actively waiting for the backup power to be restored
Cyclelinking for airlocks that aren't on the same x or y coord as the target.
Airlock pump that overrides airlock controlls when set up for cycling
TRUE means the door will automatically close the next time it's opened.
Area the door is located in
Determines if engineers get access to this door on orange alert
Is this door external? E.g. does it lead to space? Shuttle docking systems bolt doors with this flag.
For those airlocks you might want to have varying "fillings" for, without having to have an icon file per door with a different filling.
If there is an active fire alarm in the door's area
For the airlocks that use a greyscale accent door color, set this color to the accent color you want it to be.
If true, this door can't be hacked by the AI
Does this airlock emit a light?
Bolt lights show by default
Paired with main_power_timer. Records its remaining time when something happens to interrupt power regen
Timer id, active when we are actively waiting for the main power to be restored
Controls if the door closes quickly or not. FALSE = the door autocloses in 1.5 seconds, TRUE = 8 seconds - see autoclose_in()
Any papers pinned to the airlock
Used for papers and photos pinned to the airlock
What airlock assembly mineral plating was applied to
The seal on the airlock
How many seconds remain until the door is no longer electrified. -1/MACHINE_ELECTRIFIED_PERMANENT = permanently electrified until someone fixes it.
How much are wires secured
Logging for door electrification.
Proc Details
Check for the three states of open access. Emergency, Unrestricted, and Engineering Override
Turf move procs
Area move procs
Machinery move procs
Performs basic checks to make sure we are still able to hack an airlock. If control is restored early through outside means, opens the airlock's control interface.
When the signal is received of a changed security level, check if it's orange.
Timer proc, called ~0.6 seconds after [emag_act]. Finishes the emag sequence by breaking the airlock, permanently locking it, and disabling power.
Returns a string representing the type of note pinned to this airlock Arguments:
- frame_state - The AIRLOCK_FRAME_ value, as used in update_overlays()
Generates the airlock's wire layout based on the current area the airlock resides in.
Returns a new /datum/wires/ with the appropriate wire layout based on the airlock_wires of the area the airlock is in.
Attemps to override airlocks that have the AI control wire disabled.
Call to update our backup power outage timer Will trigger a proper timer if we're actively restoring power, if not we'll dump the remaining time in a var on the airlock
Call to update our main power outage timer Will trigger a proper timer if we're actively restoring power, if not we'll dump the remaining time in a var on the airlock
If our power wires have changed, then our backup/main power regen may have failed, so let's just check in yeah?
Returns the amount of time we have to wait before backup power comes back Assuming it was actively regenerating Returns 0 if it is active
Returns the amount of time we have to wait before main power comes back Assuming it was actively regenerating Returns 0 if it is active
Forces the airlock to close and bolt
Forces the airlock to unbolt and open
Set the airlock's emergency exit status arg: active TRUE/FALSE
Returns if a crowbar would remove the airlock electronics
Make the airlock unrestricted as a temporary emergency exit.
- duration - How long the door will operate as an emergency exit before reverting to normal operation
Used when attempting to remove a seal from an airlock
Called when attacking an airlock with an empty hand, returns TRUE (there was a seal and we removed it, or failed to remove it) or FALSE (there was no seal) Arguments:
- user - Whoever is attempting to remove the seal
Additional checks depending on what we want to happen to door (should we try and open it normally, or do we want this open at all costs?)
Change the airlock's fire_active status, triggered by COMSIG_AREA_FIRE_CHANGED Activates fire status overlay and increases door speed.
- source - The /area with changed fire status
- fire - the new fire status (TRUE/FALSE)