Vars | |
amount | The current amount this machine is dispensing |
base_reagent_purity | Starting purity of the created reagents |
beaker | The actual beaker inserted into this machine |
beaker_overlay | The overlay used to display the beaker on the machine |
cell | The cell used to dispense reagents |
customTransferAmount | The custom transfer amount |
default_dispensable_reagents | The default list of dispensable_reagents |
dispensable_reagents | Dispensable_reagents is copypasted in plumbing synthesizers. Please update accordingly. (I didn't make it global because that would limit custom chem dispensers) |
dispensed_temperature | The temperature reagents are dispensed into the beaker |
emagged_reagents | These become available once the machine has been emaged |
has_panel_overlay | Should we display the open panel overlay when the panel is opened with a screwdriver |
nopower_state | Icon to display when the machine is not powered |
power_cost | Efficiency used when converting cell power to reagents. Joule per volume. |
recharge_amount | The rate at which this machine recharges the power cell. |
recording_recipe | Records the reagents dispensed by the user if this list is not null |
saved_recipes | Saves all the recipes recorded by the machine |
show_ph | If the UI has the pH meter shown |
transferAmounts | Used for custom transfer amounts |
upgrade2_reagents | These become available once the manipulator has been upgraded to tier 3 (pico) |
upgrade3_reagents | These become available once the manipulator has been upgraded to tier 4 (femto) |
upgrade_reagents | These become available once the manipulator has been upgraded to tier 2 (nano) // SKYRAT EDIT CHANGE - ORIGINAL: /// These become available once the manipulator has been upgraded to tier 4 (femto) |
working_state | Icon to display when the machine is powered |
Procs | |
handle_ui_act | Same as ui_act() but to be used by subtypes exclusively |
Var Details
The current amount this machine is dispensing
Starting purity of the created reagents
The actual beaker inserted into this machine
The overlay used to display the beaker on the machine
The cell used to dispense reagents
The custom transfer amount
The default list of dispensable_reagents
Dispensable_reagents is copypasted in plumbing synthesizers. Please update accordingly. (I didn't make it global because that would limit custom chem dispensers)
The temperature reagents are dispensed into the beaker
These become available once the machine has been emaged
Should we display the open panel overlay when the panel is opened with a screwdriver
Icon to display when the machine is not powered
Efficiency used when converting cell power to reagents. Joule per volume.
The rate at which this machine recharges the power cell.
Records the reagents dispensed by the user if this list is not null
Saves all the recipes recorded by the machine
If the UI has the pH meter shown
Used for custom transfer amounts
These become available once the manipulator has been upgraded to tier 3 (pico)
These become available once the manipulator has been upgraded to tier 4 (femto)
These become available once the manipulator has been upgraded to tier 2 (nano) // SKYRAT EDIT CHANGE - ORIGINAL: /// These become available once the manipulator has been upgraded to tier 4 (femto)
Icon to display when the machine is powered
Proc Details
Same as ui_act() but to be used by subtypes exclusively