Vars | |
alarm_manager | Represents a signal source of camera alarms about movement or camera tampering |
alarm_on | Boolean on whether the camera's alarm is triggered. |
c_tag | The tag the camera has, which is essentially its name to security camera consoles. |
camera_construction_state | The current state of the camera's construction, all mapped in ones start off already built. |
camera_enabled | Boolean on whether the camera is activated, so can be seen on camera consoles or will just be static. |
camera_upgrade_bitflags | Bitflag of upgrades this camera has: (CAMERA_UPGRADE_XRAY | CAMERA_UPGRADE_EMP_PROOF | CAMERA_UPGRADE_MOTION) |
emp_module | A sheet of plasma stored inside of the camera, giving it EMP protection. |
emped | How many times this camera has been EMP'ed consecutively, will reset back to 0 when fixed. |
in_use_lights | Number of AIs watching this camera with lights on, used for icons. |
internal_light | Boolean on whether the AI can even turn on this camera's light- borg caneras dont have one, for example. |
last_shown_paper | A copy of the last paper object that was shown to this camera. |
malf_emp_firmware_active | used to keep from revealing malf AI upgrades for user facing isEmp() checks after they use Upgrade Camera Network ability will be false if the camera is upgraded with the proper parts. |
malf_emp_firmware_present | so the malf upgrade is restored when the normal upgrade part is removed. |
malf_xray_firmware_active | used to keep from revealing malf AI upgrades for user facing isXRay() checks when they use Upgrade Camera Network ability will be false if the camera is upgraded with the proper parts. |
malf_xray_firmware_present | so the malf upgrade is restored when the normal upgrade part is removed. |
myarea | The area this camera is built in, which we will add/remove ourselves to the list of cameras in that area from. |
network | List of all networks that can see this camera through the security console. |
proximity_monitor | Proximity monitor associated with this atom, for motion sensitive cameras. |
short_range | The short range the camera can see, if tampered with to be short-sighted. |
start_active | Boolean for special cameras to bypass the random chance of being broken on roundstart. |
view_range | The max range (and default range) the camera can see. |
xray_module | An analyzer in the camera being used for x-ray upgrade. |
Procs | |
drop_upgrade | Drops a specific upgrade and nulls it where necessary. |
Var Details
Represents a signal source of camera alarms about movement or camera tampering
Boolean on whether the camera's alarm is triggered.
The tag the camera has, which is essentially its name to security camera consoles.
The current state of the camera's construction, all mapped in ones start off already built.
Boolean on whether the camera is activated, so can be seen on camera consoles or will just be static.
A sheet of plasma stored inside of the camera, giving it EMP protection.
How many times this camera has been EMP'ed consecutively, will reset back to 0 when fixed.
Number of AIs watching this camera with lights on, used for icons.
Boolean on whether the AI can even turn on this camera's light- borg caneras dont have one, for example.
A copy of the last paper object that was shown to this camera.
used to keep from revealing malf AI upgrades for user facing isEmp() checks after they use Upgrade Camera Network ability will be false if the camera is upgraded with the proper parts.
so the malf upgrade is restored when the normal upgrade part is removed.
used to keep from revealing malf AI upgrades for user facing isXRay() checks when they use Upgrade Camera Network ability will be false if the camera is upgraded with the proper parts.
so the malf upgrade is restored when the normal upgrade part is removed.
The area this camera is built in, which we will add/remove ourselves to the list of cameras in that area from.
List of all networks that can see this camera through the security console.
Proximity monitor associated with this atom, for motion sensitive cameras.
The short range the camera can see, if tampered with to be short-sighted.
Boolean for special cameras to bypass the random chance of being broken on roundstart.
The max range (and default range) the camera can see.
An analyzer in the camera being used for x-ray upgrade.
Proc Details
Drops a specific upgrade and nulls it where necessary.