Power store abstract type 
Abstract type for a stock part that holds power.
Vars | |
cell_size_prefix | The size icon overlay prefix. |
charge | Current charge in cell units |
charge_light_type | What charge lige sprite to use, null if no light |
chargerate | How much power is given per second in a recharger. |
connector_type | What connector sprite to use when in a cell charger, null if no connectors |
corrupted | If the power cell was damaged by an explosion, chance for it to become corrupted and function the same as rigged. |
empty | Does the cell start without any charge? |
grown_battery | If it's a grown that acts as a battery, add a wire overlay to it. |
maxcharge | Maximum charge in cell units |
rating_base | Standard cell charge used for rating |
ratingdesc | If true, the cell will state it's maximum charge in it's description |
rigged | If the cell has been booby-trapped by injecting it with plasma. Chance on use() to explode. |
Procs | |
change | Changes the charge of the cell. Args: |
charge | Returns the current charge of the cell. |
give | Recharge the cell. Args: |
max_charge | Returns the maximum charge of the cell. |
on_magic_charge | Signal proc for COMSIG_ITEM_MAGICALLY_CHARGED |
on_reagents_del | Handles properly detaching signal hooks. |
percent | Returns the percentage of the cell's charge. |
use | Use power from the cell. Args: |
used_charge | Returns the amount of charge used on the cell. |
Var Details
The size icon overlay prefix.
Current charge in cell units
What charge lige sprite to use, null if no light
How much power is given per second in a recharger.
What connector sprite to use when in a cell charger, null if no connectors
If the power cell was damaged by an explosion, chance for it to become corrupted and function the same as rigged.
Does the cell start without any charge?
If it's a grown that acts as a battery, add a wire overlay to it.
Maximum charge in cell units
Standard cell charge used for rating
If true, the cell will state it's maximum charge in it's description
If the cell has been booby-trapped by injecting it with plasma. Chance on use() to explode.
Proc Details
Changes the charge of the cell. Args:
- amount: The energy to give to the cell (can be negative). Returns: The energy that was given to the cell (can be negative).
Returns the current charge of the cell.
Recharge the cell. Args:
- amount: The amount of energy to give to the cell in joules. Returns: The power given to the cell in joules.
Returns the maximum charge of the cell.
If we, or the item we're located in, is subject to the charge spell, gain some charge back
Handles properly detaching signal hooks.
Returns the percentage of the cell's charge.
Use power from the cell. Args:
- used: Amount of power in joules to use.
- force: If true, uses the remaining power from the cell if there isn't enough power to supply the demand. Returns: The power used from the cell in joules.
Returns the amount of charge used on the cell.