Vars | |
assessing_injury_delay | Time it takes to assess injuries when looping healing |
flesh_regeneration | How much we add to flesh_healing for burn wounds on application |
heal_brute | How much brute we heal per application. This is the only number that matters for simplemobs |
heal_burn | How much burn we heal per application |
other_delay | How long it takes to apply it to someone else |
repeating | If we've still got more and the patient is still hurt, should we keep going automatically? |
sanitization | How much sanitization to apply to burn wounds on application |
self_delay | How long it takes to apply it to yourself |
stop_bleeding | How much we reduce bleeding per application on cut wounds |
Procs | |
begin_heal_loop | Used to begin the recursive healing loop. Returns TRUE if we entered the loop, FALSE if we didn't |
can_heal | Checks if the passed patient can be healed by the passed user |
heal | Apply the actual effects of the healing if it's a simple animal, goes to /obj/item/stack/medical/proc/heal_carbon if it's a carbon, returns TRUE if it works, FALSE if it doesn't |
heal_carbon | The healing effects on a carbon patient. Since we have extra details for dealing with bodyparts, we get our own fancy proc. Still returns TRUE on success and FALSE on fail |
post_heal_effects | Override this proc for special post heal effects. |
try_heal | In which we print the message that we're starting to heal someone, then we try healing them. Does the do_after whether or not it can actually succeed on a targeted mob |
Var Details
Time it takes to assess injuries when looping healing
How much we add to flesh_healing for burn wounds on application
How much brute we heal per application. This is the only number that matters for simplemobs
How much burn we heal per application
How long it takes to apply it to someone else
If we've still got more and the patient is still hurt, should we keep going automatically?
How much sanitization to apply to burn wounds on application
How long it takes to apply it to yourself
How much we reduce bleeding per application on cut wounds
Proc Details
Used to begin the recursive healing loop. Returns TRUE if we entered the loop, FALSE if we didn't
Checks if the passed patient can be healed by the passed user
Apply the actual effects of the healing if it's a simple animal, goes to /obj/item/stack/medical/proc/heal_carbon if it's a carbon, returns TRUE if it works, FALSE if it doesn't
The healing effects on a carbon patient. Since we have extra details for dealing with bodyparts, we get our own fancy proc. Still returns TRUE on success and FALSE on fail
Override this proc for special post heal effects.
In which we print the message that we're starting to heal someone, then we try healing them. Does the do_after whether or not it can actually succeed on a targeted mob