Vars | |
disliked_foodtypes | Foodtypes this tongue dislikes |
languages_native | A list of languages which are native to this tongue |
languages_possible | A cached list of paths of all the languages this tongue is capable of speaking |
liked_foodtypes | Foodtypes this tongue likes |
modifies_speech | Whether this tongue modifies speech via signal |
say_mod | changes the verbage of how you speak. (Permille -> says <-, "I just used a verb!") i hate to say it, but because of sign language, this may have to be a component. and we may have to do some insane shit like putting a component on a component |
sense_of_taste | Whether the owner of this tongue can taste anything. Being set to FALSE will mean no taste feedback will be provided. |
taste_sensitivity | Determines how "sensitive" this tongue is to tasting things, lower is more sensitive. See /mob/living/proc/get_taste_sensitivity. |
temp_say_mod | for temporary overrides of the above variable. |
toxic_foodtypes | Foodtypes this tongue HATES |
Procs | |
apply_tongue_effects | Applies effects to our owner based on how damaged our tongue is |
get_food_taste_reaction | Gets the food reaction a tongue would have from the food item, assuming that no check_liked callback was used in the edible component. |
get_possible_languages | Used in setting up the "languages possible" list. |
Var Details
Foodtypes this tongue dislikes
A list of languages which are native to this tongue
When these languages are spoken with this tongue, and modifies speech is true, no modifications will be made (such as no accent, hissing, or whatever)
A cached list of paths of all the languages this tongue is capable of speaking
Relates to a mob's ability to speak a language - a mob must be able to speak the language and have a tongue able to speak the language (or omnitongue) in order to actually speak said language
To modify this list for subtypes, see /obj/item/organ/internal/tongue/proc/get_possible_languages. Do not modify directly.
Foodtypes this tongue likes
Whether this tongue modifies speech via signal
changes the verbage of how you speak. (Permille -> says <-, "I just used a verb!") i hate to say it, but because of sign language, this may have to be a component. and we may have to do some insane shit like putting a component on a component
Whether the owner of this tongue can taste anything. Being set to FALSE will mean no taste feedback will be provided.
Determines how "sensitive" this tongue is to tasting things, lower is more sensitive. See /mob/living/proc/get_taste_sensitivity.
for temporary overrides of the above variable.
Foodtypes this tongue HATES
Proc Details
Applies effects to our owner based on how damaged our tongue is
Gets the food reaction a tongue would have from the food item, assuming that no check_liked callback was used in the edible component.
Can be overriden by subtypes for more complex behavior. Does not get called if the owner has ageusia.
Used in setting up the "languages possible" list.
Override to have your tongue be only capable of speaking certain languages Extend to hvae a tongue capable of speaking additional languages to the base tongue
While a user may be theoretically capable of speaking a language, they cannot physically speak it UNLESS they have a tongue with that language possible, UNLESS UNLESS they have omnitongue enabled.