Vars | |
blood_dna_info | The cached info about the blood this organ belongs to |
bodypart_owner | Reference to the limb we're inside of |
damage | Total damage this organ has sustained. Should only ever be modified by apply_organ_damage! |
drop_when_organ_spilling | Do we drop when organs are spilling? |
failing_desc | String displayed when the organ has decayed. |
failure_time | Time this organ has failed for |
food_reagents | Food reagents if the organ is edible |
healing_factor | Healing factor and decay factor function on % of maxhealth, and do not work by applying a static number per tick |
maxHealth | Maximum damage the organ can take, ever. |
organ_effects | Status Effects that are given to the holder of the organ. |
organ_flags | Random flags that describe this organ |
organ_traits | Traits that are given to the holder of the organ. If you want an effect that changes this, don't add directly to this. Use the add_organ_trait() proc. |
owner | The mob that owns this organ. |
reagent_vol | The size of the reagent container if the organ is edible |
relevant_layers | Relevant layer flags, as set by the organ's associated sprite_accessory, should there be one. |
slot | The organ slot this organ is supposed to inhabit. This should be unique by type. (Lungs, Appendix, Stomach, etc) Do NOT add slots with matching names to different zones - it will break the organs_slot list! |
sprite_accessory_flags | Special flags that need to be passed over from the sprite_accessory to the organ (but not the opposite). |
useable | When set to false, this can't be used in surgeries and such - Honestly a terrible variable. |
visual | Do we affect the appearance of our mob. Used to save time in preference code |
zone | The body zone this organ is supposed to inhabit. |
Procs | |
add_organ_status | Add a Status Effect to an organ that it will give its owner. |
add_organ_trait | Add a Trait to an organ that it will give its owner. |
apply_organ_damage | Adjusts an organ's damage by the amount "damage_amount", up to a maximum amount, which is by default max damage. Returns the net change in organ damage. |
before_organ_replacement | Called before organs are replaced in regenerate_organs with new ones |
bodypart_insert | Insert an organ into a limb, assume the limb as always detached and include no owner operations here (except the get_bodypart helper here I guess) Give EITHER a limb OR a limb owner |
bodypart_remove | Called to remove an organ from a limb. Do not put any mob operations here (except the bodypart_getter at the start) Give EITHER a limb OR a limb_owner |
check_damage_thresholds | |
copy_traits_from | Copy traits from one organ to another - e.g. with custom roundstart organs that should still get species traits applied. |
exit_wardrobe | Used as callbacks by object pooling |
forced_removal | In space station videogame, nothing is sacred. If somehow an organ is removed unexpectedly, handle it properly |
get_availability | |
get_status_text | Called by medical scanners to get a simple summary of how healthy the organ is. Returns an empty string if things are fine. |
on_bodypart_insert | Add any limb specific effects you might want here |
on_bodypart_remove | Called on limb removal to remove limb specific limb effects or statusses |
on_mob_insert | Called after the organ is inserted into a mob. Adds Traits, Actions, and Status Effects on the mob in which the organ is impanted. Override this proc to create unique side-effects for inserting your organ. Must be called by overrides. |
on_mob_remove | Called after the organ is removed from a mob. Removes Traits, Actions, and Status Effects on the mob in which the organ was impanted. Override this proc to create unique side-effects for removing your organ. Must be called by overrides. |
on_surgical_insertion | Proc that gets called when the organ is surgically inserted by someone. Seem familiar? |
on_surgical_removal | Proc that gets called when the organ is surgically removed by someone, can be used for special effects |
organ_failure | |
remove_organ_status | Removes a Status Effect from an organ, and by extension, its owner. |
remove_organ_trait | Removes a Trait from an organ, and by extension, its owner. |
replace_into | Tries to replace the existing organ on the passed mob with this one, with special handling for replacing a brain without ghosting target |
set_organ_damage | SETS an organ's damage to the amount "damage_amount", and in doing so clears or sets the failing flag, good for when you have an effect that should fix an organ if broken |
Var Details
The cached info about the blood this organ belongs to
Reference to the limb we're inside of
Total damage this organ has sustained. Should only ever be modified by apply_organ_damage!
Do we drop when organs are spilling?
String displayed when the organ has decayed.
Time this organ has failed for
Food reagents if the organ is edible
Healing factor and decay factor function on % of maxhealth, and do not work by applying a static number per tick
Maximum damage the organ can take, ever.
Status Effects that are given to the holder of the organ.
Random flags that describe this organ
Traits that are given to the holder of the organ. If you want an effect that changes this, don't add directly to this. Use the add_organ_trait() proc.
The mob that owns this organ.
The size of the reagent container if the organ is edible
Relevant layer flags, as set by the organ's associated sprite_accessory, should there be one.
The organ slot this organ is supposed to inhabit. This should be unique by type. (Lungs, Appendix, Stomach, etc) Do NOT add slots with matching names to different zones - it will break the organs_slot list!
Special flags that need to be passed over from the sprite_accessory to the organ (but not the opposite).
When set to false, this can't be used in surgeries and such - Honestly a terrible variable.
Do we affect the appearance of our mob. Used to save time in preference code
The body zone this organ is supposed to inhabit.
Proc Details
Add a Status Effect to an organ that it will give its owner.
Add a Trait to an organ that it will give its owner.
Adjusts an organ's damage by the amount "damage_amount", up to a maximum amount, which is by default max damage. Returns the net change in organ damage.
Called before organs are replaced in regenerate_organs with new ones
Insert an organ into a limb, assume the limb as always detached and include no owner operations here (except the get_bodypart helper here I guess) Give EITHER a limb OR a limb owner
Called to remove an organ from a limb. Do not put any mob operations here (except the bodypart_getter at the start) Give EITHER a limb OR a limb_owner
- check_damage_thresholds
- input: mob/organ_owner (a mob, the owner of the organ we call the proc on)
- output: returns a message should get displayed.
- description: By checking our current damage against our previous damage, we can decide whether we've passed an organ threshold.
- If we have, send the corresponding threshold message to the owner, if such a message exists.
Copy traits from one organ to another - e.g. with custom roundstart organs that should still get species traits applied.
Used as callbacks by object pooling
In space station videogame, nothing is sacred. If somehow an organ is removed unexpectedly, handle it properly
returns whether the species should innately have this organ.
regenerate organs works with generic organs, so we need to get whether it can accept certain organs just by what this returns.
This is set to return true or false, depending on if a species has a trait that would nulify the purpose of the organ.
For example, lungs won't be given if you have NO_BREATH, stomachs check for NO_HUNGER, and livers check for NO_METABOLISM.
If you want a carbon to have a trait that normally blocks an organ but still want the organ. Attach the trait to the organ using the organ_traits var
owner_species - species, needed to return the mutant slot as true or false. stomach set to null means it shouldn't have one.
owner_mob - for more specific checks, like nightmares.
Called by medical scanners to get a simple summary of how healthy the organ is. Returns an empty string if things are fine.
Add any limb specific effects you might want here
Called on limb removal to remove limb specific limb effects or statusses
Called after the organ is inserted into a mob. Adds Traits, Actions, and Status Effects on the mob in which the organ is impanted. Override this proc to create unique side-effects for inserting your organ. Must be called by overrides.
Called after the organ is removed from a mob. Removes Traits, Actions, and Status Effects on the mob in which the organ was impanted. Override this proc to create unique side-effects for removing your organ. Must be called by overrides.
Proc that gets called when the organ is surgically inserted by someone. Seem familiar?
Proc that gets called when the organ is surgically removed by someone, can be used for special effects
generic proc for handling dying organs
seconds_per_tick - seconds since last tick
Removes a Status Effect from an organ, and by extension, its owner.
Removes a Trait from an organ, and by extension, its owner.
Tries to replace the existing organ on the passed mob with this one, with special handling for replacing a brain without ghosting target
SETS an organ's damage to the amount "damage_amount", and in doing so clears or sets the failing flag, good for when you have an effect that should fix an organ if broken