Vars | |
advanced_print_req | If it can be printed, does this casing require an advanced ammunition datadisk? Mainly for specialized ammo. Rubbers aren't advanced. Standard ammo (or FMJ if you're particularly pedantic) isn't advanced. Think more specialized or weird, niche ammo, like armor-piercing, incendiary, hollowpoint, or God forbid, phasic. |
caliber | Which kind of guns it can be loaded into |
can_be_printed | Can this bullet casing be printed at an ammunition workbench? |
can_misfire | If set to true or false, this ammunition can or cannot misfire, regardless the gun can_misfire setting |
click_cooldown_override | Override this to make your gun have a faster fire rate, in tenths of a second. 4 is the default gun cooldown. |
delay | Delay for energy weapons |
fire_sound | What sound should play when this ammo is fired |
fire_sound_volume | What volume should the sound play at? |
firing_effect_type | the visual effect appearing when the ammo is fired. |
harmful | pacifism check for boolet, set to FALSE if bullet is non-lethal |
integrity_damage | If set, this casing will damage any gun it's fired from by the specified amount |
loaded_projectile | the loaded projectile in this ammo casing |
misfire_increment | This is how much misfire probability is added to the gun when it fires this casing. |
pellets | Pellets for spreadshot |
projectile_type | The bullet type to create when New() is called |
randomspread | Randomspread for automatics |
variance | Variance for inaccuracy fundamental to the casing |
Procs | |
add_notes_ammo | Outputs type-specific weapon stats for ammunition based on the projectile loaded inside the casing. Distinguishes between critting and stam-critting in separate lines |
Var Details
If it can be printed, does this casing require an advanced ammunition datadisk? Mainly for specialized ammo. Rubbers aren't advanced. Standard ammo (or FMJ if you're particularly pedantic) isn't advanced. Think more specialized or weird, niche ammo, like armor-piercing, incendiary, hollowpoint, or God forbid, phasic.
Which kind of guns it can be loaded into
Can this bullet casing be printed at an ammunition workbench?
If set to true or false, this ammunition can or cannot misfire, regardless the gun can_misfire setting
Override this to make your gun have a faster fire rate, in tenths of a second. 4 is the default gun cooldown.
Delay for energy weapons
What sound should play when this ammo is fired
What volume should the sound play at?
the visual effect appearing when the ammo is fired.
pacifism check for boolet, set to FALSE if bullet is non-lethal
If set, this casing will damage any gun it's fired from by the specified amount
the loaded projectile in this ammo casing
This is how much misfire probability is added to the gun when it fires this casing.
Pellets for spreadshot
The bullet type to create when New() is called
Randomspread for automatics
Variance for inaccuracy fundamental to the casing
Proc Details
Outputs type-specific weapon stats for ammunition based on the projectile loaded inside the casing. Distinguishes between critting and stam-critting in separate lines