Title: Lobby screens! 
MODULE ID: lobbyscreen Description:Adds a brand new look to the lobby screen, adds a splash screen too, since that shit is awesome. Inspired by TauCeti, heavily modified by me. Guide:To make sure your server doesn't/does have this feature, see config.txt ##Enable server swapping, uncomment to enable reading of swap_ips.txt (file directory: config/skyrat/swap_ips.txt) SERVER_SWAP_ENABLED if you use this, make sure swap_ips.txt is present in skyrat config. We offer the option to customise the lobby HTML by giving you access to a file named lobby_html.txt in the config. The server will runtime if this file does not exist. Ensure it exists in directory config/skyrat/lobby_html.txt. DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES RENAME THE ELEMENTS WITHIN THE HTML FILE, KEEP THEM AS THEY ARE. Elements: .bg - the background image .container_terminal - This is the startup terminal html, generally, don't change this unless you want a cooler startup terminal. .terminal_text - Terminal text .container_progress - This is the container for the progress bar. Changing this likely involves changing the .container_terminal. .progress_bar - The moving part of the progress bar. Must start at 0% width; the body script updates the width live. .fade_out - Generic class that fades content out. Currently applied to .container_progress when the progress bar overruns 100%. .container_nav - This is the main menu container box, it defines where the menu is, and what it looks like. .menu_button - The "buttons" for the main menu(join, observe, etc). .menu_button:hover - The animation for hovering over buttons. .menu_newpoll - This is the new polls text, so players attention is brought to it, flashes in and out with @ pollsmove animation. .container_notice - This is the admin notice container for when an admin sets the title notice. This button is under fun in the admin tab. .menu_notice - Admin notice text. .unchecked - Unchecked ☒ box. .checked - Checked ☑ box. REMEMBER, DO NOT EDIT THESE ELEMENT NAMES ELSE THE LOBBYSCREEN WILL BREAK. Credits:Gandalf2k15 & TauCeti |