modular_skyrat/modules/multiserver/ Title: Stuff to accomodate multiple servers talking to the same database.MODULE ID: MULTISERVER Description:So far includes: It isn't coded in an idiotproof way, so make sure your configs and db are up to date before merging this. TG Proc/File Changes:
Master file additions
Included files that are not contained in this module:
Credits:Implementing on Skyrat: Useroth Heavily inspired by the solutions presented in the BeeStation-Hornet codebase Hard to really pinpoint all the original authors of the code due to the incredible web of ports involved in this, including some now removed code that was present in the tg codebase in the past, but I'll try the major ones who put the effort into porting or implementing it in the first place. MarkSuckeberg Patch LogPR: |