A mean-ass single-combat sword-wielding nigh-demigod that is nothing but a walking, talking, breathing Berserk reference. He do kill shit doe!
Vars | |
anger_timer_id | This mob will not attack mobs randomly if not in anger, the time doubles as a check for anger |
block_chance | Chance to block damage entirely on phases 1 and 4 |
chargerange | Maximum range for charging, in case we don't ram any closed turf |
chargetiles | If we are charging, this is a counter for how many tiles we have ran past |
charging | Are we doing the charge attack |
introduced | People we have introduced ourselves to - WEAKREF list |
phase | Boss phase, from 1 to 3 |
spinning | Are we doing the spin attack? |
spinning_range | Range of spin attack |
stunned | We get stunned whenever we ram into a closed turf |
Procs | |
Bump | Fucks up the day of whoever he walks into, so long as he's charging and the mob is alive. If he walks into a wall, he gets stunned instead! |
Move | As the marked one is only theoretically capable of ignoring gravity, this makes him not walk on chasms, and prevents him from moving if spinning or stunned. It also figures out if he hits a wall while charging! |
OpenFire | Used to determine what attacks the Marked One actually uses. This works by making him a ranged mob without a projectile. Shitcode? Maybe! But it woooorks. |
adjustHealth | Gets him mad at you if you're a species he's not racist towards, and provides the 50% to block attacks in the first and fourth phases |
bone_knife_throw | Bone Knife Throw makes him throw bone knives. woah. |
charge | The Marked One's charge is extremely quick, but takes a moment to power-up, allowing you to get behind cover to stun him if he hits a wall. |
discharge | Discharge stuns the marked one momentarily after landing a charge into a wall or a person |
examine | Adds the text descriptor of what phase the Marked One is in, or tells you he's a corpse if he's dead as fuck |
get_angry | Makes the Marked One unhappy and more befitting of his "hostile" subtype status. |
get_calm | Makes the Marked One a sleepy boy that don't wanna hurt nobody. He starts like this and progresses to his hostile state after seeing an ash walker or being punched in the noggin. |
ground_pound | Effectively just a copied and pasted version of the wendigo ground slam. Used to create radiating shockwaves that force quick thinking and repositioning, and must be defined here because someone un-globaled the shit out of this proc |
introduction | Proc that makes the Marked One spout a morally grey/absurdly racist one-liner dependong on who his target is |
spinattack | Proc name speaks for itself. Vinesauce Joel |
stomp | Sort range slam with faster shockwave travel |
swordslam | Large radius but slow-to-move radiating ground slam |
teleport | Teleport makes him teleport. woah. |
update_phase | Checks against the Marked One's current health and updates his phase accordingly. Uses variable shitcode to make sure his phase updates only ever happen once |
Var Details
This mob will not attack mobs randomly if not in anger, the time doubles as a check for anger
Chance to block damage entirely on phases 1 and 4
Maximum range for charging, in case we don't ram any closed turf
If we are charging, this is a counter for how many tiles we have ran past
Are we doing the charge attack
People we have introduced ourselves to - WEAKREF list
Boss phase, from 1 to 3
Are we doing the spin attack?
Range of spin attack
We get stunned whenever we ram into a closed turf
Proc Details
Fucks up the day of whoever he walks into, so long as he's charging and the mob is alive. If he walks into a wall, he gets stunned instead!
As the marked one is only theoretically capable of ignoring gravity, this makes him not walk on chasms, and prevents him from moving if spinning or stunned. It also figures out if he hits a wall while charging!
Used to determine what attacks the Marked One actually uses. This works by making him a ranged mob without a projectile. Shitcode? Maybe! But it woooorks.
Gets him mad at you if you're a species he's not racist towards, and provides the 50% to block attacks in the first and fourth phases
Bone Knife Throw makes him throw bone knives. woah.
The Marked One's charge is extremely quick, but takes a moment to power-up, allowing you to get behind cover to stun him if he hits a wall.
Discharge stuns the marked one momentarily after landing a charge into a wall or a person
Adds the text descriptor of what phase the Marked One is in, or tells you he's a corpse if he's dead as fuck
Makes the Marked One unhappy and more befitting of his "hostile" subtype status.
Makes the Marked One a sleepy boy that don't wanna hurt nobody. He starts like this and progresses to his hostile state after seeing an ash walker or being punched in the noggin.
Effectively just a copied and pasted version of the wendigo ground slam. Used to create radiating shockwaves that force quick thinking and repositioning, and must be defined here because someone un-globaled the shit out of this proc
Proc that makes the Marked One spout a morally grey/absurdly racist one-liner dependong on who his target is
Proc name speaks for itself. Vinesauce Joel
Sort range slam with faster shockwave travel
Large radius but slow-to-move radiating ground slam
Teleport makes him teleport. woah.
Checks against the Marked One's current health and updates his phase accordingly. Uses variable shitcode to make sure his phase updates only ever happen once