The Shrinkening
Vars | |
ai_lockdown | Boolean of whether the borg was locked by its AI or nothing |
alert_control | Station alert datum for showing alerts UI |
can_ride_typecache | What types of mobs are allowed to ride/buckle to this mob |
cell | If this is a path, this gets created as an object in Initialize. |
disabled_modules | For checking which modules are disabled or not. |
eye_flash_timer | Holds a reference to the timer taking care of blinking lights on dead cyborgs |
ident | Random serial number generated for each cyborg upon its initialization |
interfaceButton | The reference to the built-in tablet that borgs carry. |
ion_trail | Ionpulse effect. |
ionpulse | Jetpack-like effect. |
ionpulse_on | Jetpack-like effect. |
lampButton | Lamp button reference |
lamp_color | Set lamp color |
lamp_doom | Set to true if a doomsday event is locking our lamp to on and RED |
lamp_enabled | If the lamp is turned on |
lamp_functional | If the lamp isn't broken. |
lamp_intensity | Lamp brightness. Starts at 3, but can be 1 - 5. |
lamp_power_consumption | Power consumption of the light per lamp_intensity. |
lawupdate | Cyborgs will sync their laws with their AI by default |
lockcharge | Boolean of whether the borg is locked down or not |
lockdown_timer | Timer that allows the borg to self-unlock after a set amount of time |
low_power_mode | Whether the robot has no charge left. |
model | Represents the cyborg's model (engineering, medical, etc.) |
previous_health | the last health before updating - to check net change in health |
robot_suit | Used for deconstruction to remember what the borg was constructed out of. |
scrambledcodes | Used to determine if a borg shows up on the robotics console. Setting to TRUE hides them. |
shown_robot_modules | Used to determine whether they have the module menu shown or not |
smoke_particles | Smoke particle holder for brute damage |
spark_particles | Spark particle holder for burn damage |
spark_system | So they can initialize sparks whenever/N |
Procs | |
Exited | Checking Exited() to detect if a hat gets up and walks off. Drones and pAIs might do this, after all. |
activate_module | Finds the first available slot and attemps to put item item_module in it. |
activated | Checks if the item is currently in a slot. |
add_to_upgrades | Moves the upgrade inside the robot and registers relevant signals. |
after_righted | For any special cases for robots after being righted. |
apply_upgrade | Called when a mob uses an upgrade on an open borg. Checks to make sure the upgrade can be applied |
borg_emag_end | A async proc called from [emag_act] that gives the borg a lot of flavortext, and applies the syndicate lawset after a delay. |
break_all_cyborg_slots | Breaks all of a cyborg's slots. |
break_cyborg_slot | Breaks the slot number, changing the icon. |
can_rest | Safe check of the cyborg's model_features list. |
cycle_modules | Cycles through the list of enabled modules, deselecting the current one and selecting the next one. |
deploy_init | deploy_init: Deploys AI unit into AI shell |
deselect_module | Deselects the module in the slot module_num. Arguments |
draw_power | Draw power from the robot |
dump_into_mmi | Dumps the current occupant of the cyborg into an MMI at the passed location Returns the borg's MMI on success |
get_active_held_item | Returns the thing in our active hand (whatever is in our active module-slot, in this case) |
get_selected_module | Returns the slot number of the selected module, or zero if no modules are selected. |
is_invalid_module_number | Checks if the provided module number is a valid number. |
lockdown_override | Allows the borg to unlock themselves after a lenghty period of time. |
make_shell | make_shell: Makes an AI shell out of a cyborg unit |
observer_screen_update | Updates the observers's screens with cyborg itemss. Arguments |
on_light_eater | Special handling for getting hit with a light eater |
on_saboteur | special handling for getting shot with a light disruptor/saboteur e.g. the fisher |
on_upgrade_deleted | Called when an applied upgrade is deleted. |
remove_from_upgrades | Called when an upgrade is moved outside the robot. So don't call this directly, use forceMove etc. |
repair_all_cyborg_slots | Repairs all slots. Unbroken slots are unaffected. |
repair_cyborg_slot | Repairs the slot number, updating the icon. |
revert_shell | revert_shell: Reverts AI shell back into a normal cyborg unit |
select_module | Selects the module in the slot module_num. Arguments |
set_lockcharge | Reports the event of the change in value of the lockcharge variable. |
set_modularInterface_theme | Sets the tablet theme and icon |
setup_default_name | Used to setup the a basic and (somewhat) unique name for the robot. |
smash_headlamp | Handles headlamp smashing |
toggle_headlamp | Handles headlamp toggling, disabling, and color setting. |
toggle_module | Toggles selection of the module in the slot module_num. Arguments |
uneq_active | Unequips the active held item, if there is one. |
Var Details
Boolean of whether the borg was locked by its AI or nothing
Station alert datum for showing alerts UI
What types of mobs are allowed to ride/buckle to this mob
If this is a path, this gets created as an object in Initialize.
For checking which modules are disabled or not.
Holds a reference to the timer taking care of blinking lights on dead cyborgs
Random serial number generated for each cyborg upon its initialization
The reference to the built-in tablet that borgs carry.
Ionpulse effect.
Jetpack-like effect.
Jetpack-like effect.
Lamp button reference
Set lamp color
Set to true if a doomsday event is locking our lamp to on and RED
If the lamp is turned on
If the lamp isn't broken.
Lamp brightness. Starts at 3, but can be 1 - 5.
Power consumption of the light per lamp_intensity.
Cyborgs will sync their laws with their AI by default
Boolean of whether the borg is locked down or not
Timer that allows the borg to self-unlock after a set amount of time
Whether the robot has no charge left.
Represents the cyborg's model (engineering, medical, etc.)
the last health before updating - to check net change in health
Used for deconstruction to remember what the borg was constructed out of.
Used to determine if a borg shows up on the robotics console. Setting to TRUE hides them.
Used to determine whether they have the module menu shown or not
Smoke particle holder for brute damage
Spark particle holder for burn damage
So they can initialize sparks whenever/N
Proc Details
Checking Exited() to detect if a hat gets up and walks off. Drones and pAIs might do this, after all.
Finds the first available slot and attemps to put item item_module in it.
- item_module - the item being equipped to a slot.
Checks if the item is currently in a slot.
If the item is found in a slot, this returns TRUE. Otherwise, it returns FALSE Arguments
- item_module - the item being checked
Moves the upgrade inside the robot and registers relevant signals.
For any special cases for robots after being righted.
Called when a mob uses an upgrade on an open borg. Checks to make sure the upgrade can be applied
A async proc called from [emag_act] that gives the borg a lot of flavortext, and applies the syndicate lawset after a delay.
Breaks all of a cyborg's slots.
Breaks the slot number, changing the icon.
- module_num - the slot number being repaired.
Safe check of the cyborg's model_features list.
model_features is defined in modular_skyrat\modules\altborgs\code\modules\mob\living\silicon\robot\
Cycles through the list of enabled modules, deselecting the current one and selecting the next one.
deploy_init: Deploys AI unit into AI shell
- AI - AI unit that initiated the deployment into the AI shell
Deselects the module in the slot module_num. Arguments
- module_num - the slot number being de-selected
Draw power from the robot
Dumps the current occupant of the cyborg into an MMI at the passed location Returns the borg's MMI on success
Returns the thing in our active hand (whatever is in our active module-slot, in this case)
Returns the slot number of the selected module, or zero if no modules are selected.
Checks if the provided module number is a valid number.
If the number is between 1 and 3 (if check_all_slots is true) or between 1 and the number of disabled modules (if check_all_slots is false), then it returns FALSE. Otherwise, it returns TRUE. Arguments
- module_num - the passed module num that is checked for validity.
- check_all_slots - TRUE = the proc checks all slots | FALSE = the proc only checks un-disabled slots
Allows the borg to unlock themselves after a lenghty period of time.
make_shell: Makes an AI shell out of a cyborg unit
- board - B.O.R.I.S. module board used for transforming the cyborg into AI shell
Updates the observers's screens with cyborg itemss. Arguments
- item_module - the item being added or removed from the screen
- add - whether or not the item is being added, or removed.
Special handling for getting hit with a light eater
special handling for getting shot with a light disruptor/saboteur e.g. the fisher
Called when an applied upgrade is deleted.
Called when an upgrade is moved outside the robot. So don't call this directly, use forceMove etc.
Repairs all slots. Unbroken slots are unaffected.
Repairs the slot number, updating the icon.
- module_num - the module number being repaired.
revert_shell: Reverts AI shell back into a normal cyborg unit
Selects the module in the slot module_num. Arguments
- module_num - the slot number being selected
Reports the event of the change in value of the lockcharge variable.
Sets the tablet theme and icon
These variables are based on if the borg is a syndicate type or is emagged. This gets used in model change code and also borg emag code.
Used to setup the a basic and (somewhat) unique name for the robot.
Handles headlamp smashing
When called (such as by the shadowperson lighteater's attack), this proc will break the borg's headlamp and then call toggle_headlamp to disable the light. It also plays a sound effect of glass breaking, and tells the borg what happened to its chat. Broken lights can be repaired by using a flashlight on the borg.
Handles headlamp toggling, disabling, and color setting.
The initial if statment is a bit long, but the gist of it is that should the lamp be on AND the update_color arg be true, we should simply change the color of the lamp but not disable it. Otherwise, should the turn_off arg be true, the lamp already be enabled, any of the normal reasons the lamp would turn off happen, or the update_color arg be passed with the lamp not on, we should set the lamp off. The update_color arg is only ever true when this proc is called from the borg tablet, when the color selection feature is used.
- arg1 - turn_off, if enabled will force the lamp into an off state (rather than toggling it if possible)
- arg2 - update_color, if enabled, will adjust the behavior of the proc to change the color of the light if it is already on.
Toggles selection of the module in the slot module_num. Arguments
- module_num - the slot number being toggled
Unequips the active held item, if there is one.