Vars | |
atmos_analyzer | Atmospheric analyzer |
available_software | List of all available downloads |
can_holo | If someone has enabled/disabled the pAIs ability to holo |
can_receive | Whether this pAI can receive radio messages |
can_transmit | Whether this pAI can transmit radio messages |
card | The card we inhabit |
chassis | The current chasis that will appear when in holoform |
encrypt_mod | Toggles whether the pAI can hold encryption keys or not |
hacking_cable | The cable we produce when hacking a door |
holochassis_health | The current health of the holochassis |
holochassis_ready | Holochassis available to use |
holoform | Whether we are currently holoformed |
installed_software | Installed software on the pAI |
instrument | Music Synthesizer |
internal_gps | GPS |
languages_granted | Toggles whether universal translator has been activated. Cannot be reversed |
leash | The current leash to the owner |
master_dna | DNA string for owner verification |
master_name | The master's name string |
master_ref | Reference of the bound master |
medHUD | Toggles whether the Medical HUD is active or not |
messenger_ability | The messeenger ability that pAIs get when they are put in a PDA. |
newscaster | Newscaster |
possible_chassis | List of all possible chasises. TRUE means the pAI can be picked up in this chasis. |
possible_overlays | List of all available card overlays. |
ram | Used as currency to purchase different abilities |
secHUD | Toggles whether the Security HUD is active or not |
signaler | Remote signaler |
Procs | |
buy_software | Purchases the selected software from the list and deducts their available ram. |
change_image | Changes the image displayed on the pAI. |
check_dna | Supporting proc for the pAI to prick it's master's hand or... whatever. It must be held in order to work Gives the owner a popup if they want to get the jab. |
check_menu | Checks if we are allowed to interact with a radial menu |
choose_chassis | Sets a new holochassis skin based on a pAI's choice. |
door_jack | Switch that handles door jack operations. |
extend_cable | #Extend cable supporting proc |
find_master | Resolves the weakref of the pai's master. If the master has been deleted, calls reset_software(). |
fix_speech | Fixes weird speech issues with the pai. |
fold_in | Returns the pAI to card mode. |
fold_out | Engage holochassis form. |
get_holder | Gets the current holder of the pAI if its being carried in card or holoform. |
give_messenger_ability | Gives the messenger ability to the pAI, creating a new one if it doesn't have one already. |
grant_languages | Grant all languages to the current pAI. |
hack_door | #Door jacking supporting proc |
handle_emag | Handles the pai card or the pai itself being hit with an emag. This replaces any current laws, masters, and DNA. |
handle_move | A periodic check to see if the source pAI is nearby. Deletes the extended cable if the source pAI is not nearby. |
host_scan | Host scan supporting proc |
increment_range | Updates the distance we can be from our pai card |
on_cult_sacrificed | Signal proc for COMSIG_LIVING_CULT_SACRIFICED to give a funny message when a pai is attempted to be sac'd |
on_shell_damaged | Called when we take burn or brute damage, pass it to the shell instead |
on_shell_weakened | Called when we take stamina damage, pass it to the shell instead |
remove_messenger_ability | Removes the messenger ability from the pAI, but does not delete it. |
reset_software | Resets the pAI and any emagged status. |
retract_cable | Handles deleting the hacking cable and notifying the user. |
set_dna | Imprints your DNA onto the downloaded pAI |
set_holochassis | Sets the holochassis skin and updates the icons |
set_laws | Opens a tgui alert that allows someone to enter laws. |
toggle_holo | Toggles the ability of the pai to enter holoform |
toggle_hud | Proc that toggles any active huds based on the option. |
toggle_integrated_light | Toggles the onboard light |
toggle_radio | Toggles the radio settings on and off. |
track_pai | Tracks the associated pai |
track_thing | Tracks the associated hacking_cable |
untrack_pai | Untracks the associated pai |
untrack_thing | Untracks the associated hacking |
use_camera | All inclusive camera proc. Zooms, snaps, prints. |
wipe_pai | Wipes the current pAI on the card. |
Var Details
Atmospheric analyzer
List of all available downloads
If someone has enabled/disabled the pAIs ability to holo
Whether this pAI can receive radio messages
Whether this pAI can transmit radio messages
The card we inhabit
The current chasis that will appear when in holoform
Toggles whether the pAI can hold encryption keys or not
The cable we produce when hacking a door
The current health of the holochassis
Holochassis available to use
Whether we are currently holoformed
Installed software on the pAI
Music Synthesizer
Toggles whether universal translator has been activated. Cannot be reversed
The current leash to the owner
DNA string for owner verification
The master's name string
Reference of the bound master
Toggles whether the Medical HUD is active or not
The messeenger ability that pAIs get when they are put in a PDA.
List of all possible chasises. TRUE means the pAI can be picked up in this chasis.
List of all available card overlays.
Used as currency to purchase different abilities
Toggles whether the Security HUD is active or not
Remote signaler
Proc Details
Purchases the selected software from the list and deducts their available ram.
@param {string} selection - The software to purchase.
@returns {boolean} - TRUE if the software was purchased, FALSE otherwise.
Changes the image displayed on the pAI.
@returns {boolean} - TRUE if the image was changed, FALSE otherwise.
Supporting proc for the pAI to prick it's master's hand or... whatever. It must be held in order to work Gives the owner a popup if they want to get the jab.
@returns {boolean} - TRUE if a sample was taken, FALSE otherwise.
Checks if we are allowed to interact with a radial menu
@param {atom} anchor - The atom that is anchoring the menu.
@returns {boolean} - TRUE if we are allowed to interact with the menu, FALSE otherwise.
Sets a new holochassis skin based on a pAI's choice.
@returns {boolean} - True if the skin was successfully set. FALSE otherwise.
Switch that handles door jack operations.
@param {string} mode - The requested operation of the door jack.
@returns {boolean} - TRUE if the door jack state was switched, FALSE otherwise.
#Extend cable supporting proc
When doorjack is installed, allows the pAI to drop a cable which is placed either on the floor or in someone's hands based (on distance).
@returns {boolean} - TRUE if the cable was dropped, FALSE otherwise.
Resolves the weakref of the pai's master. If the master has been deleted, calls reset_software().
@returns {mob/living || FALSE} - The master mob, or FALSE if the master is gone.
Fixes weird speech issues with the pai.
@returns {boolean} - TRUE if successful.
Returns the pAI to card mode.
@param {boolean} force - If TRUE, the pAI will be forced to card mode.
@returns {boolean} - TRUE if the pAI was forced to card mode. FALSE otherwise.
Engage holochassis form.
@param {boolean} force - Force the form to engage.
@returns {boolean} - TRUE if the form was successfully engaged. FALSE otherwise.
Gets the current holder of the pAI if its being carried in card or holoform.
@returns {living/carbon || FALSE} - The holder of the pAI, or FALSE if the pAI is not being carried.
Gives the messenger ability to the pAI, creating a new one if it doesn't have one already.
Grant all languages to the current pAI.
@returns {boolean} - TRUE if the languages were granted, FALSE otherwise.
#Door jacking supporting proc
After a 15 second timer, the door will crack open, provided they don't move out of the way.
@returns {boolean} - TRUE if the door was jacked, FALSE otherwise.
Handles the pai card or the pai itself being hit with an emag. This replaces any current laws, masters, and DNA.
@param {living/carbon} attacker - The user performing the action. @returns {boolean} - TRUE if successful, FALSE if not.
A periodic check to see if the source pAI is nearby. Deletes the extended cable if the source pAI is not nearby.
Host scan supporting proc
Allows the pAI to scan its host's health vitals using an integrated health analyzer.
@returns {boolean} - TRUE if the scan was successful, FALSE otherwise.
Updates the distance we can be from our pai card
Signal proc for COMSIG_LIVING_CULT_SACRIFICED to give a funny message when a pai is attempted to be sac'd
Called when we take burn or brute damage, pass it to the shell instead
Called when we take stamina damage, pass it to the shell instead
Removes the messenger ability from the pAI, but does not delete it.
Resets the pAI and any emagged status.
@returns {boolean} - TRUE if successful, FALSE if not.
Handles deleting the hacking cable and notifying the user.
Imprints your DNA onto the downloaded pAI
@param {mob} user - The user performing the imprint. @returns {boolean} - TRUE if successful, FALSE if not.
Sets the holochassis skin and updates the icons
@param {string} choice - The skin that will be used for the pAI holoform
@returns {boolean} - TRUE if the skin was successfully set. FALSE otherwise.
Opens a tgui alert that allows someone to enter laws.
@param {mob} user - The user performing the law change. @returns {boolean} - TRUE if successful, FALSE if not.
Toggles the ability of the pai to enter holoform
@returns {boolean} - TRUE if successful, FALSE if not.
Proc that toggles any active huds based on the option.
@param {string} mode - The hud to toggle.
Toggles the onboard light
@returns {boolean} - TRUE if the light was toggled.
Toggles the radio settings on and off.
@param {string} option - The option being toggled.
Tracks the associated pai
Tracks the associated hacking_cable
Untracks the associated pai
Untracks the associated hacking
All inclusive camera proc. Zooms, snaps, prints.
@param {mob} user - The pAI requesting the camera.
@param {string} mode - The camera option to toggle.
@returns {boolean} - TRUE if the camera worked.
Wipes the current pAI on the card.
@param {mob} user - The user performing the action.
@returns {boolean} - TRUE if successful, FALSE if not.