Vars | |
access_card | Access card for the corgi. |
can_be_shaved | Can this corgi be shaved by an electric razor? |
can_breed | can this mob breed? |
inventory_back | Currently worn item on the back slot |
inventory_head | Currently worn item on the head slot |
is_slow | Is this corgi physically slow due to age, etc? |
shaved | Did this corgi get mutilated and has had their fur shaved by an electric razor, oh the humanity? |
strippable_inventory_slots | Item slots that are available for this corgi to equip stuff into |
Procs | |
bork | Deadchat plays bark. |
drop_hat | Deadchat plays command that drops the current hat off Ian. |
find_new_hat | Deadchat plays command that picks a new hat for Ian. |
getarmor | Corgis get full protection from their equipped fashion items if attacked in a way that passes def_zone, which usually means any direct attack like melee or gunshot. Anything abstract like a bomb or acid or something will instead give half the armor value. |
on_appearance_change | Handles updating any existing overlays for the corgi (such as fashion items) when it changes how it appears, as in, dead or alive. |
on_tried_access | Handler for COMSIG_MOB_TRIED_ACCESS |
place_on_head | Places an item on the corgi's head, handling updating the corgi's appearance and the item's dog fashion modifiers to the name, description, speech etc. Doesn't need the user to complete, and is also used in station traits/events/persistence reading. |
stop_deadchat_plays | Turn AI back on. |
undress_dog | Removes the hat and shirt (but not ID) of this corgi |
Var Details
Access card for the corgi.
Can this corgi be shaved by an electric razor?
can this mob breed?
Currently worn item on the back slot
Currently worn item on the head slot
Is this corgi physically slow due to age, etc?
Did this corgi get mutilated and has had their fur shaved by an electric razor, oh the humanity?
Item slots that are available for this corgi to equip stuff into
Proc Details
Deadchat plays bark.
Deadchat plays command that drops the current hat off Ian.
Deadchat plays command that picks a new hat for Ian.
Corgis get full protection from their equipped fashion items if attacked in a way that passes def_zone, which usually means any direct attack like melee or gunshot. Anything abstract like a bomb or acid or something will instead give half the armor value.
Handles updating any existing overlays for the corgi (such as fashion items) when it changes how it appears, as in, dead or alive.
Places an item on the corgi's head, handling updating the corgi's appearance and the item's dog fashion modifiers to the name, description, speech etc. Doesn't need the user to complete, and is also used in station traits/events/persistence reading.
Turn AI back on.
Removes the hat and shirt (but not ID) of this corgi