Vars | |
base_reagent_temp_coefficient | The coefficient of heat transfer we will use when receiving heat from reagent contact. |
bodytemp_coeff | The coefficient of heat transfer we will use when shifting our temp to the victim's. |
bodytemp_difference_expose_bonus_ratio | For every degree below normal bodytemp, we will multiply our incoming temperature by 1 + degrees * this. Allows incentivization of freezing yourself instead of just waiting. |
chassis_temperature | The virtual temperature of the chassis. Crucial for many things, like our severity, the temp we transfer, our cooling damage, etc. |
cooling_demote_buffer | The buffer in kelvin we will subtract from the chassis_temperature of a wound we demote to. |
cooling_threshold | If [chassis_temperature] goes below this, we reduce in severity. |
demotes_to | The wound we demote to when we go below cooling threshold. If null, removes us. |
heat_shock_delta_to_damage_ratio | The ratio of temp shift -> brute damage. Careful with this value, it can make stuff really really nasty. |
heat_shock_minimum_delta | The minimum heat difference we must have on reagent contact to cause heat shock damage. |
heating_promote_buffer | The buffer in kelvin we will add to the chassis_temperature of a wound we promote to. |
heating_threshold | If [chassis_temperature] goes above this, we increase in severity. |
highest_scar | A bad system I'm using to track the worst scar we earned (since we can demote, we want the biggest our wound has been, not what it was when it was cured (probably moderate)) |
important_outgoing_mult | The mult applied to heat output when we are on a important limb, e.g. head/torso. |
incoming_damage_heat_coeff | If we are hit with burn damage, the damage will be multiplied against this to determine the effective heat we get. |
light_color | The color of the light we will generate. |
light_power | The power of the light we will generate. |
light_range | The range of the light we will generate. |
max_outgoing_temperature | The maximum temperature we can cause by heating our victim. |
mob_glow | The glow we have attached to our victim, to simulate our limb glowing. |
outgoing_bodytemp_coeff | The coefficient of heat transfer we will use when shifting our victim's temp to ours. |
promotes_to | The wound we promote to when we go above heating threshold. |
reagent_types_to_extra_cooling | A assoc list of (reagent typepath -> cooling), where cooling is how much its presence will reduce the effective temperature of a reagent spray for cooling us. |
reagent_types_to_thermal_shock_mult | A assoc list of (reagent typepath -> damage mult), where the mult will be multiplied against the thermal shock damage. |
sprayed_with_reagent_clothed_mult | If we are sprayed with a extinguisher/shower with obscuring clothing on (think clothing that prevents surgery), the effect is multiplied against this. |
starting_temperature_max | The upper bound of the chassis_temperature we can start with. |
starting_temperature_min | The lower bound of the chassis_temperature we can start with. |
turf_coeff | The coefficient of heat transfer we will use when shifting our temp to a turf. |
Procs | |
check_temperature | Removes, demotes, or promotes ourselves to a new wound type if our temperature is past a heating/cooling threshold. |
expose_temperature | Adjusts chassis_temperature by the delta between temperature and itself, multiplied by coeff. If heat_shock is TRUE, limb will receive brute damage based on the delta. |
get_wound_status_info | Returns a string with our temperature and heating/cooling thresholds, for use in health analyzers. |
victim_attacked | Signal proc for when our victim is externally attacked. Increases chassis temp based on burn damage received. |
victim_exposed_to_reagents | Signal proc for when our victim is exposed to reagents, obviously. |
Var Details
The coefficient of heat transfer we will use when receiving heat from reagent contact.
The coefficient of heat transfer we will use when shifting our temp to the victim's.
For every degree below normal bodytemp, we will multiply our incoming temperature by 1 + degrees * this. Allows incentivization of freezing yourself instead of just waiting.
The virtual temperature of the chassis. Crucial for many things, like our severity, the temp we transfer, our cooling damage, etc.
The buffer in kelvin we will subtract from the chassis_temperature of a wound we demote to.
If [chassis_temperature] goes below this, we reduce in severity.
The wound we demote to when we go below cooling threshold. If null, removes us.
The ratio of temp shift -> brute damage. Careful with this value, it can make stuff really really nasty.
The minimum heat difference we must have on reagent contact to cause heat shock damage.
The buffer in kelvin we will add to the chassis_temperature of a wound we promote to.
If [chassis_temperature] goes above this, we increase in severity.
A bad system I'm using to track the worst scar we earned (since we can demote, we want the biggest our wound has been, not what it was when it was cured (probably moderate))
The mult applied to heat output when we are on a important limb, e.g. head/torso.
If we are hit with burn damage, the damage will be multiplied against this to determine the effective heat we get.
The color of the light we will generate.
The power of the light we will generate.
The range of the light we will generate.
The maximum temperature we can cause by heating our victim.
The glow we have attached to our victim, to simulate our limb glowing.
The coefficient of heat transfer we will use when shifting our victim's temp to ours.
The wound we promote to when we go above heating threshold.
A assoc list of (reagent typepath -> cooling), where cooling is how much its presence will reduce the effective temperature of a reagent spray for cooling us.
A assoc list of (reagent typepath -> damage mult), where the mult will be multiplied against the thermal shock damage.
If we are sprayed with a extinguisher/shower with obscuring clothing on (think clothing that prevents surgery), the effect is multiplied against this.
The upper bound of the chassis_temperature we can start with.
The lower bound of the chassis_temperature we can start with.
The coefficient of heat transfer we will use when shifting our temp to a turf.
Proc Details
Removes, demotes, or promotes ourselves to a new wound type if our temperature is past a heating/cooling threshold.
Adjusts chassis_temperature by the delta between temperature and itself, multiplied by coeff. If heat_shock is TRUE, limb will receive brute damage based on the delta.
Returns a string with our temperature and heating/cooling thresholds, for use in health analyzers.
Signal proc for when our victim is externally attacked. Increases chassis temp based on burn damage received.
Signal proc for when our victim is exposed to reagents, obviously.
Equalizes temp to the reagent temp, but also causes thermal shock. Basically, does damage based on the temp differential. Clothes reduce the effects massively. Hercuri reduces the thermal shock and gets a special temp buff.