The master persistence datum. Add vars onto this in your own code. Just be aware that you'll need to use simple data types, such as strings, ints, and lists.
Vars | |
nif_carrier_rooms | A param string containing soulcatcher rooms |
nif_durability | The current durability of the implanted NIF. Can be null. |
nif_examine_text | The extra examine text for the user of the NIF. Can be null. |
nif_is_calibrated | Whether the NIF is calibrated for use or not. Can be null. |
nif_path | The path to the current implanted NIF. Can be null. |
nif_theme | The theme of the implanted NIF. Can be null. |
owner | The human that this is attached to. |
persistent_nifsofts | A string containing programs that are transfered from one round to the next. |
soul_poem_nifsoft_message | What message is saved to the station pass NIFSoft? |
soul_poem_nifsoft_name | What name is saved to the station pass NIFSoft? |
stored_character_slot_index | The owner's character slot index. |
stored_rewards_points | How many rewards points does the NIF have stored on it? |
Procs | |
save_data | Saves the held persistence data to where it needs to go. |
Var Details
A param string containing soulcatcher rooms
The current durability of the implanted NIF. Can be null.
The extra examine text for the user of the NIF. Can be null.
Whether the NIF is calibrated for use or not. Can be null.
The path to the current implanted NIF. Can be null.
The theme of the implanted NIF. Can be null.
The human that this is attached to.
A string containing programs that are transfered from one round to the next.
What message is saved to the station pass NIFSoft?
What name is saved to the station pass NIFSoft?
The owner's character slot index.
How many rewards points does the NIF have stored on it?
Proc Details
Saves the held persistence data to where it needs to go.