Vars | |
alpha | Base alpha of the material, is used for greyscale icons. |
armor_modifiers | Armor modifiers, multiplies an items normal armor vars by these amounts. |
beauty_modifier | How beautiful is this material per unit. |
cached_texture_filter_icon | a cached icon for the texture filter |
categories | Materials "Traits". its a map of key = category | Value = Bool. Used to define what it can be used for |
color | Base color of the material, is used for greyscale. Item isn't changed in color if this is null. Deprecated, use greyscale_color instead. |
debris_type | What type of debris the tile will leave behind when shattered. |
desc | A short description of the material. Not used anywhere, yet... |
greyscale_colors | Determines the color palette of the material. Formatted the same as atom/var/greyscale_colors |
id | What the material is indexed by in the SSmaterials.materials list. Defaults to the type of the material. |
init_flags | Bitflags that influence how SSmaterials handles this material. |
integrity_modifier | This is a modifier for integrity, and resembles the strength of the material |
item_sound_override | Can be used to override the sound items make, lets add some SLOSHing. |
mat_rust_resistance | How resistant the material is to rusting when applied to a turf |
mineral_rarity | How likely this mineral is to be found in a boulder during mining. |
minimum_value_override | This is the minimum value of the material, used in the stock market for any mat that isn't set to null |
name | What the material is referred to as IC. |
ore_type | What type of ore is this material associated with? Used for mining, and not every material has one. |
points_per_unit | How many points per units of ore does this grant? |
shard_type | What type of shard the material will shatter to |
sheet_type | The type of sheet this material creates. This should be replaced as soon as possible by greyscale sheets |
starlight_color | Starlight color of the material This is the color of light it'll emit if its turf is transparent and over space. Defaults to COLOR_STARLIGHT if not set |
strength_modifier | This is a modifier for force, and resembles the strength of the material |
texture_layer_icon_state | what texture icon state to overlay |
tradable | Is this material traded on the stock market? |
tradable_base_quantity | If this material is tradable, what is the base quantity of the material on the stock market? |
turf_sound_override | Can be used to override the stepsound a turf makes. MORE SLOOOSH |
value_per_unit | This is the amount of value per 1 unit of the material |
Procs | |
Initialize | |
on_accidental_mat_consumption | This proc is called when the mat is found in an item that's consumed by accident. see /obj/item/proc/on_accidental_consumption. Arguments |
on_applied | This proc is called when the material is added to an object. |
on_applied_obj | This proc is called when the material is added to an object specifically. |
on_removed | This proc is called when the material is removed from an object. |
on_removed_obj | This proc is called when the material is removed from an object specifically. |
return_composition |
Var Details
Base alpha of the material, is used for greyscale icons.
Armor modifiers, multiplies an items normal armor vars by these amounts.
How beautiful is this material per unit.
a cached icon for the texture filter
Materials "Traits". its a map of key = category | Value = Bool. Used to define what it can be used for
Base color of the material, is used for greyscale. Item isn't changed in color if this is null. Deprecated, use greyscale_color instead.
What type of debris the tile will leave behind when shattered.
A short description of the material. Not used anywhere, yet...
Determines the color palette of the material. Formatted the same as atom/var/greyscale_colors
What the material is indexed by in the SSmaterials.materials list. Defaults to the type of the material.
Bitflags that influence how SSmaterials handles this material.
This is a modifier for integrity, and resembles the strength of the material
Can be used to override the sound items make, lets add some SLOSHing.
How resistant the material is to rusting when applied to a turf
How likely this mineral is to be found in a boulder during mining.
This is the minimum value of the material, used in the stock market for any mat that isn't set to null
What the material is referred to as IC.
What type of ore is this material associated with? Used for mining, and not every material has one.
How many points per units of ore does this grant?
What type of shard the material will shatter to
The type of sheet this material creates. This should be replaced as soon as possible by greyscale sheets
Starlight color of the material This is the color of light it'll emit if its turf is transparent and over space. Defaults to COLOR_STARLIGHT if not set
This is a modifier for force, and resembles the strength of the material
what texture icon state to overlay
Is this material traded on the stock market?
If this material is tradable, what is the base quantity of the material on the stock market?
Can be used to override the stepsound a turf makes. MORE SLOOOSH
This is the amount of value per 1 unit of the material
Proc Details
Handles initializing the material.
- _id: The ID the material should use. Overrides the existing ID.
This proc is called when the mat is found in an item that's consumed by accident. see /obj/item/proc/on_accidental_consumption. Arguments
- M - person consuming the mat
- S - (optional) item the mat is contained in (NOT the item with the mat itself)
This proc is called when the material is added to an object.
This proc is called when the material is added to an object specifically.
This proc is called when the material is removed from an object.
This proc is called when the material is removed from an object specifically.
Returns the composition of this material.
Mostly used for alloys when breaking down materials.
- amount: The amount of the material to break down.