Deathmatch modifiers are little options the host can choose to spice the match a bit.
Vars | |
blacklisted_maps | A lazylist of map typepaths this is incomptable with. |
blacklisted_modifiers | A lazylist of modifier typepaths this is incompatible with. |
color | The color of the button shown in the UI |
description | A small description/tooltip shown in the UI |
name | The name of the modifier |
random_exempted | Is this trait exempted from the "Random Modifiers" modifier. |
Procs | |
apply | Apply the modifier to the newly spawned player as the game is about to start |
map_incompatible | Returns TRUE if map.type is in our blacklisted maps, FALSE otherwise. |
on_end_game | Called as the game has ended, right before the reservation is deleted. |
on_map_changed | Called when the host chooses to change map. Returns FALSE if the new map is incompatible, TRUE otherwise. |
on_select | Called when selecting the deathmatch modifier. |
on_start_game | Called as the game is about to start. |
selectable | Whether or not this modifier can be selected, for both host and player-selected modifiers. |
unselect | When the host changes his mind and unselects it. |
Var Details
A lazylist of map typepaths this is incomptable with.
A lazylist of modifier typepaths this is incompatible with.
The color of the button shown in the UI
A small description/tooltip shown in the UI
The name of the modifier
Is this trait exempted from the "Random Modifiers" modifier.
Proc Details
Apply the modifier to the newly spawned player as the game is about to start
Returns TRUE if map.type is in our blacklisted maps, FALSE otherwise.
Called as the game has ended, right before the reservation is deleted.
Called when the host chooses to change map. Returns FALSE if the new map is incompatible, TRUE otherwise.
Called when selecting the deathmatch modifier.
Called as the game is about to start.
Whether or not this modifier can be selected, for both host and player-selected modifiers.
When the host changes his mind and unselects it.