Vars | |
base_degradation_on_death | When our victim dies, they will degrade by this amount, but only if the last time they died was after [time_required_between_deaths_to_degrade] ago. |
base_degradation_per_second_while_dead | While dead, our victim will degrade by this amount every second. Reduced by stasis and formeldahyde. |
base_degradation_reduction_per_second_while_alive | While alive, our victim will lose degradation by this amount per second. |
buckled_to_default_mult | Only used if the thing we are buckled to is not in [buckled_to_recovery_mult_table]. |
buckled_to_recovery_mult_table | A assoc list of (atom/movable typepath -> mult), where mult is used as a multiplier against passive living degradation reduction. |
crit_threshold_currently_reduced_by | Used for updating our crit threshold reduction. We store the previous value, then subtract it from crit threshold, to get the value we had before we adjusted. |
crit_threshold_max_degradation | The degradation we will stop reducing the crit threshold at. |
crit_threshold_min_degradation | The degradation we will begin reducing the crit threshold at. |
current_degradation | The current degradation we are currently at. Generally speaking, things get worse the higher this is. Can never go below 0. |
current_degradation_level | The current level of degradation. Used mostly for reminder messages. |
degradation_messages | The random messages that will be sent to our victim if their degradation moves to a new threshold. Contains nested assoc lists of (DEGRADATION_LEVEL_DEFINE -> list((message -> weight), ...)) where ... is a indefinite number of message -> weight pairs. |
eigenstasium_degradation_decrease | When eigenstasium is metabolized, degradation is reduced by this. |
final_death_delivered | If we have killed our owner permanently. |
force_death_if_permakilled | If true, when [current_degradation] reaches [max_degradation], we will DNR and KILL our victim. |
formaldehyde_death_degradation_mult | If our victim is dead, their passive degradation will be multiplied against this if they have formal in their system. |
last_time_degraded_on_death | The last time we caused immediate degradation on death. |
max_crit_threshold_reduction | The amount our victims crit threshold will be reduced by at [crit_threshold_max_degradation] degradation. |
max_degradation | The absolute maximum degradation we can receive. Will cause permadeath if [permakill_if_at_max_degradation] is TRUE. |
max_stamina_damage | The amount our victims crit threshold will be reduced by at [stamina_damage_max_degradation] degradation. |
permakill_if_at_max_degradation | If true, when [current_degradation] reaches [max_degradation], we will DNR and ghost our victim. |
rezadone_degradation_decrease | If our victim is alive and is metabolizing rezadone, we will reduce degradation by this amount every second. |
stamina_damage_max_degradation | The degradation we will stop increasing the stamina damage at. |
stamina_damage_minimum_degradation | The degradation we will begin applying stamina damage at. |
stasis_passive_degradation_multiplier | If our victim is dead, their passive degradation will be multiplied against this if they are in stasis. |
time_between_reminders | The time between each reminder ([degradation_messages]). |
time_of_last_message_sent | The last world.time we sent a message to our owner reminding them of their current degradation. Used for cooldowns and such. |
time_required_between_deaths_to_degrade | If the last time we degraded on death was less than this time ago, we won't immediately degrade when our victim dies. Used for preventing things like MDs constantly reviving someone and PKing them. |
time_til_scan_expires | Assoc list of (mob -> world.time + time_to_view_extra_data_after_scan). Used for determining if someone can use our health analyzer href |
time_to_view_extra_data_after_scan | The amount of time someone has to view our extra info via health analyzer after scanning us. |
Procs | |
adjust_degradation | Setter proc for [current_degradation] that clamps the incoming value and updates effects if the value changed. |
and_so_your_story_ends | The proc we call when we permanently kill our victim due to being at maximum degradation. DNRs them, ghosts/kills them, and prints a series of highly dramatic messages, befitting for a death such as this. |
damage_stamina | Ensures our victim's stamina is at or above the minimum stamina they're supposed to have. |
get_crit_threshold_adjustment | Calculates the amount that we should add to our victim's critical threshold. |
get_health_analyzer_link_text | Returns a short-ish string containing an href to [get_specific_data]. |
get_passive_degradation_decrease | Returns the amount, every second, degradation should DECREASE by. |
get_passive_degradation_decrease_mult | Returns a multiplier that should be used whenever degradation is passively decreased. Is determined by resting, sleeping, and buckled status. |
get_passive_degradation_increase | Returns the amount, every second, degradation should INCREASE by. |
get_specific_data | Returns a large string intended to show specifics of how this degradation work. |
send_reminder | Sends a flavorful to_chat to the target, picking from degradation_messages[current_degradation_level]. Can fail to send one if no message is found. |
update_degradation_level | Updates [current_degradation_level] by comparing current degradation to max. |
update_effects | Refreshes all our effects and updates their values. Kills the victim if they opted in and their degradation equals their maximum. |
update_variables | Resets all our variables to our victim's preferences, if they have any. Used for the initial setup, then any time our victim manually refreshes variables. |
victim_ahealed | Signal handler proc for healing our victim on an aheal. Permadeath can only be reversed by admin aheals. |
victim_properly_resting | Used in stamina damage. Determines if our victim is resting, sleeping, or is buckled to something cozy. |
Var Details
When our victim dies, they will degrade by this amount, but only if the last time they died was after [time_required_between_deaths_to_degrade] ago.
While dead, our victim will degrade by this amount every second. Reduced by stasis and formeldahyde.
While alive, our victim will lose degradation by this amount per second.
Only used if the thing we are buckled to is not in [buckled_to_recovery_mult_table].
A assoc list of (atom/movable typepath -> mult), where mult is used as a multiplier against passive living degradation reduction.
Used for updating our crit threshold reduction. We store the previous value, then subtract it from crit threshold, to get the value we had before we adjusted.
The degradation we will stop reducing the crit threshold at.
The degradation we will begin reducing the crit threshold at.
The current degradation we are currently at. Generally speaking, things get worse the higher this is. Can never go below 0.
The current level of degradation. Used mostly for reminder messages.
The random messages that will be sent to our victim if their degradation moves to a new threshold. Contains nested assoc lists of (DEGRADATION_LEVEL_DEFINE -> list((message -> weight), ...)) where ... is a indefinite number of message -> weight pairs.
When eigenstasium is metabolized, degradation is reduced by this.
If we have killed our owner permanently.
If true, when [current_degradation] reaches [max_degradation], we will DNR and KILL our victim.
If our victim is dead, their passive degradation will be multiplied against this if they have formal in their system.
The last time we caused immediate degradation on death.
The amount our victims crit threshold will be reduced by at [crit_threshold_max_degradation] degradation.
The absolute maximum degradation we can receive. Will cause permadeath if [permakill_if_at_max_degradation] is TRUE.
The amount our victims crit threshold will be reduced by at [stamina_damage_max_degradation] degradation.
If true, when [current_degradation] reaches [max_degradation], we will DNR and ghost our victim.
If our victim is alive and is metabolizing rezadone, we will reduce degradation by this amount every second.
The degradation we will stop increasing the stamina damage at.
The degradation we will begin applying stamina damage at.
If our victim is dead, their passive degradation will be multiplied against this if they are in stasis.
The time between each reminder ([degradation_messages]).
The last world.time we sent a message to our owner reminding them of their current degradation. Used for cooldowns and such.
If the last time we degraded on death was less than this time ago, we won't immediately degrade when our victim dies. Used for preventing things like MDs constantly reviving someone and PKing them.
Assoc list of (mob -> world.time + time_to_view_extra_data_after_scan). Used for determining if someone can use our health analyzer href
The amount of time someone has to view our extra info via health analyzer after scanning us.
Proc Details
Setter proc for [current_degradation] that clamps the incoming value and updates effects if the value changed.
The proc we call when we permanently kill our victim due to being at maximum degradation. DNRs them, ghosts/kills them, and prints a series of highly dramatic messages, befitting for a death such as this.
Ensures our victim's stamina is at or above the minimum stamina they're supposed to have.
Calculates the amount that we should add to our victim's critical threshold.
Returns a short-ish string containing an href to [get_specific_data].
Returns the amount, every second, degradation should DECREASE by.
Returns a multiplier that should be used whenever degradation is passively decreased. Is determined by resting, sleeping, and buckled status.
Returns the amount, every second, degradation should INCREASE by.
Returns a large string intended to show specifics of how this degradation work.
Sends a flavorful to_chat to the target, picking from degradation_messages[current_degradation_level]. Can fail to send one if no message is found.
- update_cooldown = TRUE: If true, updates [time_of_last_message_sent] to be world.time.
Updates [current_degradation_level] by comparing current degradation to max.
- send_reminder_if_changed = TRUE: If TRUE, will call [send_reminder()] if [current_degradation_level] is changed.
Refreshes all our effects and updates their values. Kills the victim if they opted in and their degradation equals their maximum.
Resets all our variables to our victim's preferences, if they have any. Used for the initial setup, then any time our victim manually refreshes variables.
Signal handler proc for healing our victim on an aheal. Permadeath can only be reversed by admin aheals.
Used in stamina damage. Determines if our victim is resting, sleeping, or is buckled to something cozy.