Vars | |
cached_base64 | Our cached image. |
category | Category of the item. This is used to group items together in the UI. |
category_item_limit | This is an abstract variable, only set this for base category types. It should not be overriden by subtypes. Set to 0 for infinite. |
cost | The points cost of this item. |
description | The description of the equipment used in the listing, if not set, it will use the items description. |
item_type | The item path that we refer to when equipping. If left empty, it will be considered abstract. |
magazine | Do we have magazines for purchase? |
magazine_cost | If we have a magazine, how much is it? |
max_purchase | The maximum amount of this item that can be equipped. |
name | The name of the equipment used in the listing, if not set, it will use the items name. |
restricted | Is this restricted for purchase in some form? Requires extra code in the vendor to function, used for guncargo. |
slot_to_equip | Defines what slot we will try to equip this item to. |
subcategory | Our subcategory, where the item will be listed. |
Procs | |
equip_to_human | This proc handles how the item should be equipped to the player. This needs to return either TRUE or FALSE, TRUE being that it was able to equip the item. |
Var Details
Our cached image.
Category of the item. This is used to group items together in the UI.
This is an abstract variable, only set this for base category types. It should not be overriden by subtypes. Set to 0 for infinite.
The points cost of this item.
The description of the equipment used in the listing, if not set, it will use the items description.
The item path that we refer to when equipping. If left empty, it will be considered abstract.
Do we have magazines for purchase?
If we have a magazine, how much is it?
The maximum amount of this item that can be equipped.
The name of the equipment used in the listing, if not set, it will use the items name.
Is this restricted for purchase in some form? Requires extra code in the vendor to function, used for guncargo.
Defines what slot we will try to equip this item to.
Our subcategory, where the item will be listed.
Proc Details
This proc handles how the item should be equipped to the player. This needs to return either TRUE or FALSE, TRUE being that it was able to equip the item.