NO_LIGHT_SUPPORT | Object doesn't use any of the light systems. Should be changed to add a light source to the object. |
COMPLEX_LIGHT | Light made with the lighting datums, applying a matrix. |
OVERLAY_LIGHT | Light made by masking the lighting darkness plane. |
OVERLAY_LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL | Light made by masking the lighting darkness plane, and is directional. |
OVERLAY_LIGHT_BEAM | Light made by masking the lighting darkness plane, and is a directionally focused beam. |
NONSENSICAL_VALUE | Nonesensical value for light color, used for null checks. |
LIGHT_ATTACHED | Is our overlay light source attached to another movable (its loc), meaning that the lighting component should go one level deeper. |
LIGHT_FROZEN | Freezes a light in its current state, blocking any attempts at modification |
LIGHT_IGNORE_OFFSET | Does this light ignore inherent offsets? (Pixels, transforms, etc) |
LIGHTING_HEIGHT_SPACE | light UNDER the floor. primarily used for starlight, shouldn't fuck with this |
LIGHTING_HEIGHT_FLOOR | light ON the floor |
LIGHTING_HEIGHT | height off the ground of light sources on the pseudo-z-axis, you should probably leave this alone |
LIGHTING_ROUND_VALUE | Value used to round lumcounts, values smaller than 1/129 don't matter (if they do, thanks sinking points), greater values will make lighting less precise, but in turn increase performance, VERY SLIGHTLY. |
LIGHTING_ICON | icon used for lighting shading effects |
LIGHTING_SOFT_THRESHOLD | If the max of the lighting lumcounts of each spectrum drops below this, disable luminosity on the lighting objects. Set to zero to disable soft lighting. Luminosity changes then work if it's lit at all. |
LIGHT_RANGE_FIRE | How many tiles standard fires glow. |
LIGHTING_NIGHTVISION_THRESHOLD | What counts as being able to see in the dark |
LIGHTING_TILE_IS_DARK | The amount of lumcount on a tile for it to be considered dark (used to determine reading and nyctophobia) |
EMISSIVE_BLOCK_GENERIC | Uses vis_overlays to leverage caching so that very few new items need to be made for the overlay. For anything that doesn't change outline or opaque area much or at all. |
EMISSIVE_BLOCK_UNIQUE | Uses a dedicated render_target object to copy the entire appearance in real time to the blocking layer. For things that can change in appearance a lot from the base state, like humans. |
EMISSIVE_BLOCK_NONE | Don't block any emissives. Useful for things like, pieces of paper? |
EMISSIVE_COLOR | The color matrix applied to all emissive overlays. Should be solely dependent on alpha and not have RGB overlap with EM_BLOCK_COLOR. |
EM_BLOCK_COLOR | The color matrix applied to all emissive blockers. Should be solely dependent on alpha and not have RGB overlap with EMISSIVE_COLOR. |
EMISSIVE_APPEARANCE_FLAGS | A set of appearance flags applied to all emissive and emissive blocker overlays. KEEP_APART to prevent parent hooking, KEEP_TOGETHER for children, and we reset the color and alpha of our parent so nothing gets overridden |
EM_MASK_MATRIX | The color matrix used to mask out emissive blockers on the emissive plane. Alpha should default to zero, be solely dependent on the RGB value of EMISSIVE_COLOR, and be independent of the RGB value of EM_BLOCK_COLOR. |
PARSE_LIGHT_COLOR | Parse the hexadecimal color into lumcounts of each perspective. |
Define Details
Light made with the lighting datums, applying a matrix.
A set of appearance flags applied to all emissive and emissive blocker overlays. KEEP_APART to prevent parent hooking, KEEP_TOGETHER for children, and we reset the color and alpha of our parent so nothing gets overridden
Uses vis_overlays to leverage caching so that very few new items need to be made for the overlay. For anything that doesn't change outline or opaque area much or at all.
Don't block any emissives. Useful for things like, pieces of paper?
Uses a dedicated render_target object to copy the entire appearance in real time to the blocking layer. For things that can change in appearance a lot from the base state, like humans.
The color matrix applied to all emissive overlays. Should be solely dependent on alpha and not have RGB overlap with EM_BLOCK_COLOR.
The color matrix applied to all emissive blockers. Should be solely dependent on alpha and not have RGB overlap with EMISSIVE_COLOR.
The color matrix used to mask out emissive blockers on the emissive plane. Alpha should default to zero, be solely dependent on the RGB value of EMISSIVE_COLOR, and be independent of the RGB value of EM_BLOCK_COLOR.
height off the ground of light sources on the pseudo-z-axis, you should probably leave this alone
light ON the floor
light UNDER the floor. primarily used for starlight, shouldn't fuck with this
icon used for lighting shading effects
What counts as being able to see in the dark
Value used to round lumcounts, values smaller than 1/129 don't matter (if they do, thanks sinking points), greater values will make lighting less precise, but in turn increase performance, VERY SLIGHTLY.
If the max of the lighting lumcounts of each spectrum drops below this, disable luminosity on the lighting objects. Set to zero to disable soft lighting. Luminosity changes then work if it's lit at all.
The amount of lumcount on a tile for it to be considered dark (used to determine reading and nyctophobia)
Is our overlay light source attached to another movable (its loc), meaning that the lighting component should go one level deeper.
Freezes a light in its current state, blocking any attempts at modification
Does this light ignore inherent offsets? (Pixels, transforms, etc)
How many tiles standard fires glow.
Nonesensical value for light color, used for null checks.
Object doesn't use any of the light systems. Should be changed to add a light source to the object.
Light made by masking the lighting darkness plane.
Light made by masking the lighting darkness plane, and is a directionally focused beam.
Light made by masking the lighting darkness plane, and is directional.
Parse the hexadecimal color into lumcounts of each perspective.